R o a d s , injured by rains, i. 480 ; native, i.
104,189 ; neglected, ii. 221
Robson Islands, i. 82
Rook formations, i. 246, 247
Rooky Point, i. 115, 513-515
Roblf, the explorer, ii. 385
Roman Catholic Mission, ii. 50
Rome, missions from, i. 16
Roth, Dr., i. 34
“ Rothschild,” the, of Bolobo, ii. 3
Rowe, Sir Samuel, i. 57, 59
Jloyal, steam launch, i. 68, 83, 104, 116,
154,190, 196, 477, 478, 481, 501 ; ii. 57,
59, 116 ; at Ostend, i. 244; under repair,
i. 261 ; wreck of the, ii. 170, 171
R o y a l Geographical Society, i. 33
Ruanda cattle, ii. 361 .
Rubber, India, i. 384
Rubunga, Chief of Nganza, ii. 99
Rudolf, the Archduke, i. 35
Rudolfstadt station, I 474 476
Rufiiji, the, i. 44 ; river, i. 58
Ruga-Ruga, visits, i. 40
Ruka Rapids, ii. 129, 130
Rules for organising an expedition, i. 47
Rum, used as currency, i. 193 ; used in
trading, i. 158
Rupture with the natives, dangers ot, l.
- 314
Ruse, a, in camp, i. 334
Russia, cause of its non-representation, i.
Sa’adala, i. 251
Sabuka, i. 477, 480, 481, 488, 489
Sacred water, sprinkling of, ii. 106
Sacrifice of life ; a horrible custom, u. ISO-
Sadika Banza, i. 164,179, 205
Sadika Banzi, plateau, ii. 216
Safeui, i. 260 .
Saggitaire, the, a French, frigate, 1. ob,
(note), 475 .
Sailing vessels ascending the Congo, l.
113 . , . .
St Paul de Loanda, 14; document m
the archives of, i. 12 ; description of,
i. 450-455
St. Thomas’ Island, i. 57, 456
Salt extracted from grass, i. 424
Salutations on the march, ii. 192,193
Saluting the dead, i. 75
Samuna, a chief of Nsanda, l. 18, lott
Sanatorium at Boma, ii. 228j Leopoldville,
bishopric transferred to St. Paul de
Loanda, i. 13 ; in ruins, i. 13; attempt
to re-open missions, i. 13; Baptist
Mission at, i. 13; mission at, i. 16; ii.
342 ■
Sarawak, ii. 379
Sardines, potted, ii. 322
Saulez, Capt. Seymour, ii. 191, 272
Scenery of the Congo, i. 92,93, 94, 111, 112,
124, 125, 126, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176,
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 243, 244,
245,246, 247,250, 255,256,258,262,264,
324, 325, 390, 391, 396, 397, 399, 400,
401, 504, 505, 511, 512, 513; ii. 4-9, 11,
17, 77, 79, 91, 92, 93, 152; on the
Ikelemba, ii. 34-36
Sceptical people, ii. 377
Sceptre of Ngalyema, i. 331 •
School, native children of, ii. 208
Schnoor the carpenter, ii. 191
Schweinfiirth, Dr., ii. 130, 351, 385
Scientific mission of a station, i. 37
Scotch scenery, comparison to, i. 400,
Scotchman Head, i. 81
Seaside resorts, i. 23
Season for gardening, i. 381
Sea near the land, appearance of the, i.
Secrecy, reasons for, i. 56
Seltzer, ii. 282
Semicarbus anacardium, ii. 358
Sette Camma, ii. 229
Settlement, an immense, ii. 81, 82
Shale, ii. 214
Shamba Gonera, i. 45, 48
Shari River, ii. 131
Shark’s Point, i. 62, 63
Shaw, Mr. E. Massey, ii. 224, 271, 273
Sheds for workmen, a necessity, ii. 315
Sheep, ii. 243
Shipping at Banana Point, i. 64
Ships for the Congo, ii. 367
Shooting a hippopotamus, i’. 106
Sick list, i. 216; of stations, ii. 306; men,
i. 391 ; on Leopold Hill, ii. 191
Sand-flies, i. 214
Sand-pipers, i. 436
Sarnda Congo, i. 112
Sanford, General, H. S., of Florida, l. 36 ;
ii. 381, 382
San Januario, the Duke de, i. 35 •
San Salvador, capital of Congo, l. 11 ; de-
struction of, i. 12 ; rebuilding of, 1. 12 ;
ii. 248 ; shamming at Vivi, ii. 222
Sickness, i. 212 ; causes considered, ii.
286, sqq. ; prevention of, ii. 311
Siemens, Dr. W., i. 34
Sierra Leone, i. 57, 59 ; ii. 236, 297, 320
Signals of natives, ii. 158
Silurus, bearded, ii. 160
Silver, ii-375
Sina, or measure for cloth, ii. 22
Singa fish of Tanganika, ii. 160
Sims, Dr., i. 496
Sittings of the Berlin Conference, ii. 391-
Siwa-Siwa, chief of Bakumu, ii. 162, 164
Skins of animals, ii. 354
Skipper, importance of an efficient, i. 70
Slave raiding, effects of, ii, 360
Slave-trade, i. 14, 15; suppression ot the.
15; trade, the, i. 96,97,152; at Loanda,
i. 451; effect on population, ii. 343
Slave-traders on the Congo, i. 113; from
the Soudan, ii. 122 ; news of, ii. 135; on
the Congo, ii. 139, 140; terrible scenes,
ii. 146-150; traders overtaken, ii. 142;
raids of, ii. 144,145; numbers in a gang,
ii. 145; plunder taken by, ii. 147; captives
of, ii. 148, 149; extent of country
ravaged by, ii. 149; instigators of, ii.
150, 151
Slavers at work, ii. 121, 121
Slaves sacrificed, 180-182
Slavery, at Boma, i. 96; an escape from,
: i. 260
Smallpox, ii. 15
Snails, ii. 2
Snider rifles, i. 47
Soil, richness of the, i. 393
Sojering,” ii. 251
Sonho, rebellion in, i.-12 ; 82, 83
Soudanese slave-traders, ii. 122, 227
Soudi of Turn, i. 251, 252, 253 ■
Soundings at Vivi, i- 128, 129; on the
Congo, i. 402
Soups, ii. 322
Sovereignty ceded to the Association, ii.
Snake skin girdles, ii. I l l
Snakes, i. 204
Spaces, health of. open, ii. 302
Sparhawk, Mr. Augustus, i. 145, 154, 159,
; 196
Spear-grass, i. 423
Speke, ii. 385
Sphynx Rock, ii. 211
Spitting-snakes, i. 204
Squabbles to be avoided, i. 46
Stables, i. 153
Staff, complaints from the, i. 70, 71
■----- at Vivi, i. 159 ; re-organisation at
Vivi, ii. 223
Stanley and Bula Matari, difference between,
ii. 28
Stanley Palls, i. 70, 148 ; ii. 56, 75, 154-
156, 340, 343, 358; character of trade
at, ii. 160; palaver at, ii. 161, 162 ;
choosing a site, ii. 162; clearing the
site, ii. 165: Palls Station, improvement
at, ii. 275
Pool, i. 31, 86, 96, 159, 191, 216,
225, 234, 268, 270, 387, 388, 389, 445,
477, 478, 481, 488, 507, 514; ii. 2, 3,
5,22,49, 61, 214, 289, 302,342,343,345;
distant view of, i. 290 ; description of,
i. 396; Pool markets, i. 421; missionaries
at, i. 496; division of, i. 263;
monthly supply to, ii. 272
Starvation, approaching, i. 302
Stations, instructions regarding, i. 27
on Lake Tanganika, i. 35; on the
east of Africa, i. 36; hospitable missions
of, i. 37; scientific missions of, i. 37,
influence of in suppressing the slave-
trade, i. 37; commonwealth, i. 54 ;
establishing, i. 190; defensive measures
at a, i. 376; measures for supporting,
i. 465 ; neglect by leaders, i. 469; destruction
of two, ii. 56; a well-governed,
ii. 72 ; founding, ii. 75; the last formed,
ii. 166; a pretty, ii. 212, 213; equipment
for, ii. 243; in neglect and prosperity,
ii. 245 ; success of Stanley Palls,
ii. 275; unhealthy) ii. 287, 288, 290-
292, 299-301; sick list of, ii. 306 ; sites
of, ii. 319, 320
Steam communication, instructions regarding,
i, 27
Steamers, trading, i. 91,92 ; the harbingers
of trade, i. 254; transported overland,
. i. 182, 227, 228, ii. 264; first on the
Upper Congo, i. 375; on the Congo,
effect of large, ii. 7, 8, 9; surprise the
natives, ii. 12,16,29,105; for the Congo,
ii. 367
j Cove, i. 379
Steel lighters, f. -68
Stephanieville, i. 476, 477
Sterile scenes, i. 264, 265
Still Haven, Stanley Falls, ii. 168
Stimulants, craving for, ii. 241; absence
of, ii. 242; abuse of, ii. 251, 252, 253,
Stink-wood, ii. 5
Stipa le/nacdsnma, ii. 354
Stocking Island, i. 82, 89
Stores, i. 153; conveyance of, i. 155, 182
210, 211, 214; list of, i. 285; of the
Expedition, i. 68; for the Upper Congo
Expedition, list of, 501, 502; for an expedition,
ii. 76; left at Stanley Palls,
ii. 165; sent monthly to Stanley Pool,
ii. 272
Storms, i. 201, 227, 397, 418, 437, 438 ; ii.
Story of Ngalyema’s life, i. 348, 349
Story, a hypocritical, ii. 41
Strauch, Colonel, i. 28, 39, 42, 43, 46 52
59, 189; ii. 378, 394
Strength of the expedition, i. 378
Stryehnas, ii. 358
Subsidies to chiefs, i. 54
Sugar, i. 414; ii. 357, 375
Suicide of M. Luksic, 489
Suki, i. 315
Sun, avoiding exposure to the, ii. 323; observations
of the, i. 205
Sun-bird, ii. 6
Sun-fever, ii. 322
Sunday, a day of rest, i. 230
Sundi, i. 176
Sungo Maji of Bumba, ii. 107
Sunshine, African, i. 94, 95
Sunstroke, ii. 322; precautions against, ii.
1 “ Superstitions” of natives, 28, 29, 62