Fine, a heavy, i. 472, 473
Finery of chiefs, i. 202
Fines for bloodshed, i. 524
Fiote law, i. 220
Firefly, H.M.S., i. 86 (note)
Fires, annual, i. 316; destructive of vegetation,
an, i. 382; number of its officers, i. 67;
Daily Telegraph and New York Herald,
i. 8 ; stores, ii. 76; strength of the, i.
378; the, charged as being mysterious,
i. 55 ; the present, i. 2d; considering its
character, i. 24; its funds, i. 26, 27; its
, origin,!. 2 1 ; the first meeting, i. 26,27;
the second International, i. 44; to Kwilu-
Niadi, i. 470, 471, 474, 476; ii. 212;
to the Congo, i. 1-7; to the Upper Congo,
start of the, i. 394 ; (1883) to the Upper
Congo, its strength, i. 503; to the Upper
Congo, stores for the, i. 501, 502
Expeditions, equipment for, i. 41, "42
Exploration, a slow, i. 233; by Great
Britain, ii. 385; in Africa, ii. 373; of
the Kwa River, i. 409-416; on the
Congo, class of men required for, i. 58
Exports of Bcuna, i. 98
Exposure to heat or cold, ii. 315 ; to night
air, ii. 283-285, 308 ; to wet, ii, 285
Face-scarring an ornament, ii. 100, 101
Factories at Boma,i.. 91; at Bonny, ii. 234;
at Elobey Island, ii. 231; at Gaboon, n.
231; at Kissauga, i. 81, 82; atMussuko,
i. 112; at Porta da Lenha, i. 82, 83 ; at
Nokki, i. 113; barter at, i. 85; for the
Upper Congo, ii. 369; native trade at, i.
55 ; on the Congo,!. 63, 64
Factory, coloured help at a, i. 73 ; a dinner
at a, i. 72, 73; managers, i. 73; stores,
: i. 74, 75 ;. work at a, i. 74
Fair dealing with the natives, i. 170
Faithful officers, ii. 255-279
Famine, a sham, ii. 16, 129; atBolombo,
ii. 79
Fantail, ii. 6
Fares from Loanda to Lisbon, i. 445
Farquhar Islands, i. 82
Fathomless Point, i. 81
Feathers of tropic birds, ii. 354
Fernandez, Senor, i. 156
Fernando Po, ii. 231, 232
Ferry at Nselo, ii. 193; Kondo, n. 214;
• on Lumbamba River, i. 288; on the
Gordon Bennett, i. 290; traffic at Nsangu,
i. 479
Ferry, M., Jules, ii. 388
Ferrying, dangerous, ii. 157
Fertile land, i. 186 .
Fetish, i. 200 ; customs, l. 385; rock, l. 89, 90
Fetishism, i. 305 ; ii. I l l .
Fever, i. 444, 445; at Manyanga, l. 271,
Fevers, ii. 283, 284, 286-288, 296, 301,
310, 322, 328
Fibres, ii. 354
Ficus, ii. 92
Fiddler’s Elbow, i. 112
Fighting,—at Bolobo, effects of, 60; not to
be rashly begun, i. 46;. power of chiefs,
i.. 350
i. 94,180,197
Fish, ii. 2, 243; presents of, ii. 160; smoke
oured, ii. 159
Fish-eagles, i. 397, 436; ii. 6
Fishermen, i. 256; at Manyanga, i. 267 ;
Baswa, ii. 154; Wenya, ii. 154; Yakui,
ii. 125; on Lake Leopold, i. 438, 439,
440; on the Lukanga, ii. 46; Wane
Rukura, ii. 154
Fisher tribes, 154-159
Fishing hamlets, ii. 113; minnow, L 262;
nets, natives making, ii. 159; I) enya
method of, ii. 157, 158
Flag, employment of the Association’s, i,
495; importance of a recognised, i. 37,
38; national, of Congo, i. 17; of the
Association, i. 36, ii. 42 ; the choice of a,
i. 35
Flamingoes, ii. 6 • .
Flamini, Francesco, mechanician, i. 68,152,
238, 239, 244, 284, 381; his services,, ii.
Flamini Island, i. 253, 254
Flannels, wet, ii. 284, 285, 310
Flood, possible, at Banana, i. 78 ; precautions
against, i. 83
Flotilla of steamers, the expedition, !. 68;
its cost, i. 68
Fogs to be guarded against, ii. 324
Food, abundant, i. 257 ; consumption of, i.
221; for a vovage, ii. 76; for the tropics,
the best, ii. 294 ; influence of, on work,
i. 154; in the tropics, i. 65, 199, ii. 321,
322,323, 324,329 ; on the Congo, i. 103;
on the Upper Congo, ii. 10, 15; quantity
consumed daily, ii. 13; scant at
Mfwa, i. 295; scarcity of, i. 436, sqq.;
scarcity at Leopoldville, i. 480; supply
stopped, i. 302, 303; want of variety, i.
Foraging, free, i. 222
Forest, a dense, ii. 13; a submerged, !.
443; at Lukolela, ii. 66, 67; cutting
through the, i. 221; Lama Lankori, i.
390 ; lost in an unexplored, i. 177, 192;
ii. 30, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 114, 215, 341,
353, 374; scenery, ii. 5; of the Lower
Congo, i. 88, 89 ; seen from the coast, i.
Fortifying villages, i. 524
Fowls, ii. 243; as food, ii. 10
France, i. 26-28; action of, ii. 381-390;
agreement of the Association with, ii.
388; territories of,.ii. 400, 403, 404
Frankincense, ii. 354, 374
Franktown, i. 476 .
Free commerce on the Congo, ii, 390-993
Freemen, in Congo-land, essentiality of,
i, 52
Free State territory, ii. 365
■ Free State not a Belgian colony, i. 54; Free
State boundaries, ii. 401
French.—Catholic Mission at Boma, i. 100;
expedition, i. 159; flag, Malameen’s, i.
292; Missions in Congo-land, i. 16; territory,
ii. 365; compel the withdrawal
of the Portuguese, i. 14; traders, i. 92 ;
treaty with Makoko, i. 292
Frere, Sir Bartle, i. 36
Fruit eating, ii. 326, 327, 329
Fruits, i, 103, 148, 151, 152, 381, 393; ii.
71, 258, 357
Fuel, scarcity on the Kwa, i. 423, 428
Fumu Ntaba, Chief of Bateke', i. 507, 508,
509, 510
Furs, ii. 375
Fyne, Loch, in Scotland, i. 400
Gaboon, ii. 230; factories, ii. 231 ; missions,
ii. 231
Gad-flies, i, 214, 419
Gamankono, Chief of Malima, i. 295-300,
Gambiele, Chief of Kimpoko, i.‘ 298, 506;
ii. 56
Game, i. 205, 206,213, 222
Gampa, a rival of Bwa:bwa Njali's, i. 308
Ganchu, i. 304, 306, 381, 406,407, 490; ii.
Ganchu’s Point, i. 408
Gandelay, a Banfunu chief, i. 405, 406,
407, 510
Ganges, comparison to the, i. 401
Gankabi, Queen of Musye, i. 415, 417, 418,
421, 422, 424-426, 433, 445; ii. 27
Gantiene, i. 507
Ganto village, i. 430
Gardening, season for, i. 381
Gardens, making, i. 379, 409, 500
Gardens, ii. 245; at Equator, ii. 71; at
Leopoldville, ii. 52; at Vivi, laying out,
i. 147, 148 ; what may be grown in Central
African, ii. 258
Garrison, importance of a, i. 12 1
Garrisons of stations, i. 285
Gastric fever, i. 213
Gatula, a Bolobo chief, i. 516, 517, 521,
524, 525, 526, 527 ; ii. 3
Geographical expeditions inadequate, i.
■ 24
Geology, ii. 209-211, 214; at Lake Man-
tumba, ii. 47-48
German Expedition, 1873-75, i. 448; exploration,
ii. 386, 387
Germany, !. 26; action of, ii. 381, 384 ;
formation of a National Committee, i. 34;
lectures in, ii. 399
Giagas, invasion : see Ajakkas.
Gibraltar, i. 52, 58
Gillis, Mr. Albert (Duke Town), ii. 233
Gin, ii. 251, 252, 282, 307 ; used as currency,
i, 193
Gin-drinking natives, i. 202
Ginger, wild, ii. 358
Giraffe, ii. 241
Giral, a French quartermaster, i. 408
Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, ii. 383
Glave, Mr., ii. 66, 183, 288
Glover, Sir John, i. 57, 58
Goats, ii. 243
Goat-skins, ii. 354
Gobila, Papa, Chief of Mswatu, i. 405, 408,
409, 414, 507, 510, 511 ; ii. 14
Gold, ii. 357, 375
Goldsmith, Sir Frederick, ii 187
Gong, the signal of the, i. 340
Goods for inland trade, superior quality
required, i. 311
“ Good View Station,” i. 505
Gordon Bennett River, i., 290, 293, 390,
403 ; ii. 53
Gordon, General, letter from, ii. 226 (note) ;
promised aid of, ii. 225, 226 •
Goree, i. 57 -
Government of the Free State, ii. 406, 407
Grandy’s, Lieut., Expédition, i. 13
Grang, Lieut., i. 382, 478, 481, 488, 489 ;
ii. 269
Granville, Earl, ii. 381
Grass burning, i, 118, 180,197
density of, i. 163; 'height of the, i.
197 ; tropical, ii. 301, 302 ; used as am-
bushments, i. 161
Grave, the first at Leopoldville, ii. 270
Gray, Mr., i.-73 I
Green snakes, i. 205
Grefulhe, Mons., i. 43, 45, 49
“ Grog,” importance ot; i. 193 ; native
fondness for, i. 149
Ground-hog, i-. 205
Ground nuts, i. 156, 414 ; ii. 353 ; in commerce,
ii. 215, -342
Groves or trees a sign of villages, i. 62, 315
Guava, ii. 246
Guiacum, ii. 30, 67
Quîbourtia, ii. 353
Guides, i., 164, 171, 181, 182, 184, 410 ;
ii. 3, 28, 69,153
Guiltlessness, curious way of showing, i.
Guinea-fowl, di. 8
Gum-oopal, ii. 342, 353, 355 ; trees, ii. 97,
98 ; ii. 374
Gums, i. 384 ; ii. 30
Gunbearers,. i. 47; 48
Gunpowder, trade in, i. 75; used in rejoicing,
i. 373
Gurba River, ii. 131
Guyot Abbé, a missionary, ii. 50, 268;
drowned, ii. 55
Habit and nature, i. 199- . r
Hair, fashion of wearing, i. 429
2 h 2