Free States applicable to foreigners, but all infractions thereof on
the part of a Dutch subject shall be referred to a Dutch Consular
A rticle VII.
I f the inhabitants of the said countries, who are subjects of the
government of the Association, do any injury to the person or property
of a Dutch subject, they shall be arrested and punished by
the authorities of the Association, conformably to the laws of the
said Free States. Justice shall be administered equitably and
impartially on both sides.
A rticle VIII.
A Dutch subject having grounds of complaint against an in habitant
of the said territories subject to the government of the
Association shall apply to the Dutch Consulate, and there detail his
grievance. The Consul shall proceed to enquire if the same be well-
founded, and do all in his power to arrange the matter amicably.
In the same way, if any inhabitant of the said territories has any
complaint concerning a Dutch subject, the Dutch Consul shall hear
the complaint, and do his utmost to arrange the difficulty amicably.
I f differences arise of such a nature th a t the Consul cannot arrange
them amicably, he shall then have recourse to the authorities of
the Association, for them to examine into the matter and end it
A rticle IX.
I f an inhabitant of the said territories subject to the government
of the Association shall fail in the payment of a debt contracted
with a Dutch subject, the authorities of the Association shall do all
in their power to bring him to justice, and procure the recovery of
the debt, and if a Dutch subject shall fail in the payment of a debt
contracted with one of the inhabitants, the Dutch authorities shall
do all in their power to bring him to justice, and procure the
recovery of the debt.
No Dutch Consul nor any authority of the Association shall be
held responsible for the payment of a debt contracted by an inhabitant
of any of the territories subject to the government of the
Association or by any Dutch subject.
A rticle X.
In the event of the cession of the territory now under the
government of the Association, or which shall be so a t any future
time, or of any part of the said territory, all the obligations contracted
by the Association in the present Convention shall be
binding on the grantee. These arrangements and rights accorded
to Dutch subjects shall remain in force after the cession with regard
to any new occupant of no matter what p a rt of the said
A rticle XI.
The Association and the Free States engage to do all in their
power to put an end to the slave-trade and suppress slavery.
A rticle X II.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands, according its sympathy to the
humanitarian and civilising object of the Association, recognizes
the flag of the Association and the Free States placed under its
administration—a blue flag with a golden star in the centre—as the
flag of a friendly Government.
A rticle X III.
This Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be
exchanged w ith as little delay as possible. I t shall come into force
immediately after the exchange of the ratifications.
In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed
it, and to it have affixed the seal of th e ir coat of arms.
Done a t Brussels, the twenty-seventh day of the month of
December, of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four.
(Signed) L. Gericke.
A rticle I.
The International Association of the Congo declares th a t it
extends to France the advantages it has conceded to the United
States of America, to the Empire of Germany, to England, to
Italy, to Austro-Hungary, to the Netherlands, and to Spain,, in