old, ii. 287; distance from, the sea, ii.
Viva Hill, i. 139, 141,145, 146, 150, 161,
Mavungu, i. 123, 129,132,138, 155,
Rapids, i. 128; ii. 218
— Nku, a chief, i. 130
Volga, comparison to, ii. 9
Vombo, ii. 214
Von Mechow, ii. 387
Voonda, i. 250 ; ii. 209, 214, 225
Wabangi, ii. 43
Wabika tribe,, ii. 172
Wabuma people, i. 419
Wadi Behani, i. 238, 345, 379
Wages, native surprise at, i. 143,144
Wagogo, i. 49
Wagtails, i. 436; ii. 6
Wahha tribe, ii. 363
Wajiji sailors, i. 43; tribe, ii. 663
Wambundu, an inland people, l. 305, 319,
320,323, 495
Wami Biver, i. 44, 58
Wampoko Biver, ii. 51
Wane' Kirundu, ii. 360
Mikungu, ii. 156
Bnkura fishermen, ii. 154
Busari, ii. 157
:----- Sironga, ii. 157
Wangata, ii. 37, 38, 39, 42
Wangwana, i. 45-48
Wanunu, ii. 4
Wanya-Ruanda tribe, ii. 363
Wanyamwezi people, i. 46-48; ii. 363
War, daily expected, i. 361-366; prevention
of, i. 380; natives preparing tor,
Webb-Lualaba Biver, navigation of the'
ii. 359
Weissman, Lieut., ii. 351, 387
Welcome at Ikengo, ii. 30
Welle Biver, ii. 126, sqq. ; identical with
the Biyerre, ii. 130
Welle-Makua Biver, ii. 110
Wellington, Duke of, on Indian life, ii. 295'
Wenya fishermen, ii. 154
Werre, another name for Welle Biver,
West African Livingstone Search Expedition,
i. 524 ; ii. 113,114; objections to, B
526 527; native, ii. 23-25 ; at Irebu, ii.
42—45 ; burying a, ii. 45 ; with Bolobo,
ii. 57-61; indemnity, ii. 61; among
natives, slight causes for, ii. 62 ; effects
on population, ii. 343 ; dance of natives,
ii. 35 ; internecine, desolating effect of,
i. 173
War-fetish, a curious, i 340
Warlike threats of Ngalyema, i. 332-334
Ware, another name for Welle Biver,
Warundi tribe, ii. 363
Watercourse, search for a, l. 11'8
Water-drinking, excessive, n. 315-317
Watson, Sir Thomas, on tree-planting, u.
Watumba of Musangaland, ii-109
Watwa, dwarfs, the, ii. 47; ivory sold by,
ii. 48
Wax, ii. 364
Wazige tribe, ii. 363 . oin
Wealth of ivory trading chiefs, i. 310-311
Weaver-birds, i. 436 „ .. Q.n
Webb-Lualaba region, extent of, u. 34U,
i. 13
Wet clothes, danger of, ii. 326 ; exposure
to, ii. 285 ; flannelp, ii. 283, 285, 369
Wheat, ii. 375
Whip-snakes, i. 204
Whirlpools, i. 106
Whisky, ii. 251, 252, 319
“ White Man’s Grave,” ii. 320
I Willing hands a necessity, ii. 240
! Wind observations, ii. 310, 331-333
! Winds, cold, Vi. 210, 211, 264; ii. 172,
1 298 . ■
Wine, ii. 242; moderate use of, ii, 254,
282, 295
Wing-clappers, i. 207
Winton, Sir Francis de, ii. 227
Witchcraft, punishment of, i. 380 .
Woerman, Herr, ii. 394
Woman, a notable, 425, 426
Women, nude, ii. 100
—— of Africa, the, i. 425
Wood Point, i. 83, 85
cutting, ii. 9 .
Work, a year’s, i. 240 ; neglected at Vivi,
ii. 221, 222; shirking, ii. 240, 242; on
the Congo, ii. 252; honour of, ii. 278,
279; hours for outdoor, ii. 314
Workers, unintelligent, ii. 249, 250
Working day, duration of our, i. 149
force, weakness of, i. 191; numbers
of our, i. 196
Workmanship, native, ii. 123
Workmen, agreement about, native, i. 169 ;
shelter for outdoor, ii. 315
Wreck of a canoe, ii. 49
Wy-yanzi people, i. 428, 443; ii. 14, 23,
30, 60, 63, 64, 302; custom of succession,
i 520
Yakkas, the, invasion : see Ajakkas.
Yakongo village, ii. 103
Yakui, ii. 125
Yakusa spears, ii. 356
Yalulima tribe, ii. I ll, 354; swordsmiths,
ii. 356
Yambi village, ii. 126
Yambinga, town, ii. 107-109
Yambua, ii. 127
Yambula, 518,525 ; ii. 57-60
Yambumba town, ii. 127
Yambungu village, ii. 112
Yambuya village, ii. 129
Yamu-ningiri village, ii. 110
Yamvu, i. 432
Yangambi, ii. 151
Yangassa, a chief of Kzabi, i. 316
Yankau on Itimbiri, ii. 100
Yanzi, Chief of Wane Sironga, ii. 157
Yaporo district, il. 141
Yaruche, ii. 152
Yarukombe town, ii. 152
Yaryembi, ii. 152
Yavunga, a desolated village, ii. 141
Yellala, i. 102, 113, 160, 165, 179; falls, i.
202, 203; ii. 218 ; mountain, i. 205; ii.
Yellow wood, ii. 30
Yomburri, a desolated town, ii. 139, 141
Youngblood, Mr., i. 64, 73
Youthful indulgence,.ii. 282, 283
Yumbila, a guide, ii. 82,86. 88, 97. 98,100,
112,116,117,140, 182
Zaire, the, Portuguese name of the Congo,
i. 2,202 ; described by a Capuchin father,
i. 4; Tuckey’s description of the, 15, 6
Zanzibar, 28, 29, 35, 37, 39, 43-45, 47, 48;
the Sultan of, i. 49 ; the Prince of, i. 58
Zanzibaris, i. 49, 59, 67, 146, 150, 203,
212, 216, 277, 278, 341, 445, 462; ii. 97,
144; sent home, i. 449
Zareeba or boma, i. 46
Zari: see Zaire,
Zebra, ii. 241
Zinga, i. 287, 313-316
Zingeh, i. 46
Zombo, ii. 342
Zunga-ehya-Idi, i, 105