Tracks, herd, i. 201
native, i. 192
Trade and barter, articles for African, i.
156,157 _ • . . ,
Trade, factory, i. 74, 75; at Yivi, 1. 156,
competition, i. 100 ; Congoese, shrewdness
« Susceptibilities ” on the Congo, t 72; M.
240, 276
Susi, Livingstone’s head man, i. 310', 318,
335 345 379
Suspicion and distrust among natives,.
danger of, i. 169,170
Suzerainty of chiefs, v 18
Swinburne, Mr. A. B., i. 57, 58, 145, 159,
196, 208, 213, 218, 219, 221, 239, 240*
496; ii. 289 ; his services, ii. 257, 558
Switzerland, a holiday in, i. 23
Sword, Makoko’s, i. 332
Swordsmiths, ii. 356
Tabora, i. 40, 42 ,
Tactics against Ngalyema, l. 334
Tamarinds, ii. 5
“ Tandelay,” ii. 89 i üh— B
Tanganika, Lake, i. 7, 20, 35, 37, 40, 4L
43, 44,46 ; ii. 359,363
territory, extent of, ii. 362
Tariffs, danger of excessive, i. 464
Tea as a beverage, ii. 322
Teak, African, i. 192 ; ii. 30, 67
Temperance, ii. 325, 329 _
Temperature, ii. 282,314,316 -318, 330,331
Tendelay, i. 206.
Teneriffe donkeys, i. 225
Tents, making new, i. 279 • „ .
Territories qfi the Congo basin, n. 365
Territory ceded to the Portuguese, i. 12
Thé au lait, ii. 324
Thefts at Iboko, and return of stolen
Thgeoromdos,m iei.t e1r8 0re' adings, i. 203, 213
Thieving natives, ii. 84; at Iboko, u. 173,
Thompson, Captain, i. 57,105-107
Thys, Captain, ii. 378
Tides on the Congo, i. 87
Tiger skin, trick with a, ii. 107
Time bill, from the sea to Vivr, i. 116 ;
occupied in journeys,"!. 191
Times, The, i. 58 .
Tinned meats, i. 284 ; u. 322
TippuTib, an Arab trader, ii. 154, 351
Tisdel, Mr. W. H., ii. 396
Tobacco, ii. 364, 375
Tomatoes, ii. 243
Tonics, ii. 325
Tools and stores carried by onr expedition,
i. 503
¿i Toners,” ii. 251, 252
TopTraphy, i. 172, 173,175,176,179-184,
192 258, 287, 290, 352-355, 395-397,
412, 413, 513, 514; ii. 4, 17, 18, 46, 47,
78, 341, «W. ; of Yivi, i. 126, 136,140
Torch, H.M.8., i. 86 (note)
Tortoise shell, ii. 354
Totela, king of Congo,!,17
“ Tourist ” engineers, i. 209
Tradiidobum, ii. 353
in, i. 137 ; demanded, at Nganza,
ii. 99; the coming of the whites means,
i 168; in gunpowder, i. 75 ; native eager- R
ness for, i. 384; ii. 367; of West Africa,
amount of, ii. 366; probabilities of increased,
ii. 367; rousing the spirit ot,
ii. 376>; routes, ii. 342 ; table of possible,
at new factories, ii. 370.; talk, i. 214,
with natives, conduct of, i. 99, 100;
feasibility of, i. 463; visions of future,
i. 127
Traders, ivory, character of, i. 387
jealousy of, 309; misrepresented by
missionaries, i. 100; of the tipper Congo,
the champion, ii. 21-28; on the Kwa,
S 4 1 5 L T j t 1 J Trading sub BoTeEo, ii. 83; at Leopoldville,
i. 380, 383, 384
canoes, ii. 79
communities of Arabs, ii. 360., 363
—— companies, i. 29
-— - in ivory, i. 383, 384
stations at Boma, i. 91
steamers, i. 91, 92
Traditional origin of Byyanzi, ii. 1
Traffic at Nsanga Ferry, i. 479
Transport of steamers overland, n. 264;
enlistment of natives for, ii. 225
Travelling, dangers of, ii. 317; rate of,.
i. 215,241, 269, 270
Treasury at Leopoldville, low state ol the,,
i. 483 . ¡§1 Ann
Treaties with native chiefs, I .473-477,
495 ; ii. 48, 379, 380; forms of, ii. 195.-
197,205,206 -gjg fg
Treaty with Vivi chiefs, i. 137, 138, 155,
156 . I
Trees, ancient, i. 316; or groves a sign of
villages, i. 62 ; planting as a protection,
ii. 311
Tributaries of the Congo, length of, u. 344-
352; their length, ii. 347
Tribute, 1. 49
Tropical heat, ii. 282
islands, character of, i. 457 .
—— scenes, ii. 91-93
Tropics, bodily changes in the, i. 65; the
best food for, ii. 294; conditions of life
in the, i. 85; drugs for the, ii. 325, 327 ;
food in the, ii. 321-324, 329; health m
the, Dr. Martin’s advice, ii: 329 ; mode
. of life in the, i. 65,67; clothes for the,
ii. 326 . ? „
Troup, Mr. John Bose, ii. 224, 272, 274
Trouville, i. 23
Trucks for machinery, i. 198
Tsetse, i. 419
Tuckey’s, Captain, account of the slave-
trade, i. 14 ; 173 ; expedition of, i. 5, 6,
102,120, 121; ii. 317; its losses, i. 6, 7;
its results, i. 7
“ Tuokey’s furthest,” i. 184
Tugurambusa Hills, ii. 151,152
Tunduwa Point, i. 114,120
Turtle doves, i. 419
Twiss, Sir Travers, on treaties, ii. 380
Two Palm Point, i. 516
Typhoid fever, i. 212
Typlops, i. 205
Uango-Ango, ii. 400 .
Ubangi, Biver, ii. 345; a populous place,
ii. 1, 13, 21, 23, 354; swordsmiths, ii.
Ubengo district, ii. 176
Ubika warriors, ii. 98
Biver, ii. 171
TJfipa, ii. 363
Ufuvu Biver, i. 318, 321 "
Ugangi, ii. 47
Ugogo, i. 45, 49
Uguhha, i. 43
Dgunda, i. 46
TJhha, ii. 362, 364
TJjiji, i. 40-42, 216; cattle, ii. 361; 363,
Ukatakura, ii. 97
TJkawenda, ii. 364
Ukele, ii. 171
Ukumira district, ii. 176
Uledi, i. 251
Ulindi Biver, ii. 358, 359
TJlungu Mountains,!. 175,179, 180, 205
Umaneh Town, ii. 124, 125
Umangi, ii. 98, 171
XTmari, ii. 39, 42; a guide, ii. 44
TJngende, ii. 1 1
Unhealthy stations, ii. 287, 288, 290, 291,
United States, co-operation of the, i. 36;
ii. 380; action of the, ii. 381, 382
Unkuri, i. 432
Unyamwezi, i. 39, 40; ii. 363
Unyanyembe, expedition to, i. 39; 40, 41,
46, 48
Upiti, a chief, ii. 58, 61
Upoto, ii. 22, 69
Hills, ii. 99,103, 171
Upper Congo discovered by Stanley, i. 37;
356; communication with the sea, i.
463, 464
Urambo, Mirando, King of, i. 39, 43
Uranga, ii. 76-78; effusive welcome at, ii.
Urundi cattle, ii. 361, 362, 364
Urungu, ii. 364
Ururu, a chief, i. 518, 519; ii. 57
Usansi, i. 326-331; Mountain, i. 390
Usigfe, ii. 362; cattle, ii. 311
Usimbi District, ii. 176
Usindi, ii. 19, 21, 23, 49, 68, 69, 182
Uvana, Banza, i. 208
Uvira iron-works, ii. 364
Uyanzi, i. 511, 512, 513; markets, i. 421
Yalcke, Lieut., i. 237-240, 283, 286, 811,
382, 449,477,480,481, 488, 489, 509 ; ii.
51, 53, 223 ; his services, ii. 261-264 ,
Yalley stations, unhealthy, ii. 299-301
Value of ivory, i. 380, 384
of probable trade at hew factories,
ii. 370, 371
Van Bogaarte, Major, i. 239
Van de Velde, Lieut., i. 473-476; ii. 225
Van den Heuvel, Dr., ii. 53,.191
Vangele, Lieut., ii. 38, 71, 177, 181, 264,
Van Schuman Herr, i. 471
Vapour, pestilential, ii. 300, 301
Vegetables, i. 103, 148, 381, 393; ii. 71,
243, 246, 258, 357
Vegetation, effects of fire upon, i. 94
Venetian beads, i. 30
Versteeg, M., i. 35
Vetch, Major Francis, ii. 272, 273, 355
Veterans on the coast, i. 73
Vibondo, ii. 360
Victoria Nyanza, i. 20
Villages, native, i. 315; on the Upper
Congo, ii. 11,12,15; warm invitation to,
ii. 30; oh the Ikelemba, ii. 36; on the
Congo, ii. 45; deserted, ii. 138; devastated
by Arabs, ii. 139-141,148 ; in easily
defended positions, ii. 172; healthy sites
of native, ii. 302, 303
Ville d’Anvers steamer, ii. 225
“ Vinda by the river,” i. 112
Vinda-le-Nzaddi, i. 112
Visions of future track, i. 127
Vivi, i. 70, 113, 114-116, 127, 128, 144-
147,149,152,153,159-162,167,181, 189,
513 ; ii. 56, 215, 218, 219, 289, 291, 298,
304; founding the station, i. 118-126,
197; topography, i. 126, 136, 140;
chiefs, i. 123, 129, 130, 142 ; aborigines,
i. 130; extent of territory of, i. 135, 136;
its recommendations, i. 136, 138; treaty
with chiefs, i. 155, 156; trade, i. 156";
staff at, i. 159; and Isangila, proposed
railway between, i. 186,187; to Ndambi
Mbongo, i. 192; Isangila to, i. 239;
messengers sent to, i. 251; recruits at,
i. 278; resignation of a chief, i. 376 ;
no progress at, i. 447; departure from,
i. 449; return to, i. 468; neglect of, i.
469, 470; quarrels at, i. 489; troubles
at, ii. 52; more irregularities at, ii. 187;
nothing accomplished, ii. 221, 224 ;
shamming sick at, ii. 222; reorganisation
of staff, ii. 223; removal of the station,
ii. 223; progress of the new station, ii.
227; railway at, ii, 227; situation .of