Dec: 16.
A rticle IX.
I f an inhabitant of the said territories subject to the government
pf the Association should fail to pay any debt contracted
with a British subject, the authorities of the Association shall do
all in their power to bring him to justice and procure the recovery
of the said deb t; and if a British subject should fail in the payment
of any debt contracted with one of the inhabitants, the British
authorities shall in the same way do their utmost to bring him to
justice and procure the recovery of the debt. No British Consul
and no authority of the Association shall be held responsible for
a debt contracted by a British subject, nor by any inhabitant of
the said territories who is subject to the government of the Association.
A rticle X.
In case of the cession of any territory which now or in the future
shall be under the government of the Association, the obligations
contracted by the Association in the present Convention shall apply
to the grantee. The engagements and rights accorded to British
subjects shall remain in force after every cession with regard to
every new occupant of every part of the said territory.
This Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be
exchanged with as little delay as possible. This Convention shall
come into force immediately after the exchange of the ratifications.
Done a t Berlin, the 16th of December, eighteen hundred and
(S ig n e d ) E dward M alet.
S trauch.
I A rticle I.
The International Association of the Congo undertakes -to levy
n o duties of importation, or transit on merchandise, or articles of
commerce, imported by Dutch subjects within the present or future
possessions of the Association. The freedom from duties shall
extend to merchandise and articles of commerce transported on the
roads or canals which are or shall be established round the cataracts
! of the Congo.
A rticle II.
Dutch subjects shall at all times have the right to reside or settle
in the territories which are or shall be subject to the Association.
They shall enjoy the protection accorded to subjects or citizens of
the most favoured nation in all matters concerning, their persons,
I their property, the free exercise of their religion, and the rights of
navigation, commerce and industry ; they shall especially have the
I right to buy and sell, let and lease land, mines, forests, and buildings
in the-said territories; to found therein houses of business,
and carry on commerce and coasting trade under the Dutch flag. •
A rticle I I I .
The Association undertakes to grant no advantage whatsoever
[ to the subjects of another nation, unless such advantages are immediately
extended to Dutch subjects. .
A rticle TV.
His Majesty the King of the Netherlands has the right to nominate
Consuls or Consular Agents in the ports or stations of the said
I territories, and the Association undertakes to protect them.
Article V .
Until the administration of justice shall have been organized in
| the Free States of the Congo, and u n til th a t organization shall
! have been notifiëd by the Association, every Dutch Consul or Con-
j sular Agent, who has been duly authorized by the Government of
His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, may establish a Consular
tribunal for the extent of the district assigned to him, and in th a t
| case will exercise sole and exclusive jurisdiction, civil as well as
I Criminal, with regard to the persons and property of Dutch sub-
I jects within the said district, conformably to the laws of the
I Netherlands.
A rticle VI.
Nothing contained in the foregoing article shall absolve any
Dutch subject from the obligation of observing the laws of the
Dec, 27.