further records, and remain content with the assurance
that this Gull has been met with on our coasts on more
than one occasion besides those above specified. There
is, however, no doubt that many mistakes have arisen
from the close resemblance of the present species in
immature plumage to our common mis-named Black'
headed Gull. Bonaparte's Gull is somewhat smaller
than the last-named, and, according to the editor from
whom I have above quoted, may be distinguished in all
stages by the white margins to the inner webs of the
outer primaries. As I know nothing whatever about
this bird from personal experience or observation, I will
only add that I gather from the authors quoted in
' Yarrell,' loc. svpra cit., that it visits the Atlantic coasts
of the North-eastern United States in great numbers in
April and May, and again in autumn, that its breeding-grounds
extend over the greater part of Arctic America,
that it nests in colonics, generally building on trees, and
that its habits very closely resemble those of the other
species above mentioned. In winter it is said to be
abundant on the coast of Florida. It is not known to
breed within the boundaries of the United States.