Colymbus grisegena, Boddaert, Tabl. des Pl. Enl. p. 55
* (1783).
Colymbus rubricollis, Naum. ix. p. 720.
Podieeps rubricollis, Macg. v. p. 259; Heivitson, ii. p. 443.
Podiceps griseigena, Yarr. ed. 4, iv. p. 124 ; Dresser, viii.
p. 039.
Grèbe jon-gris, French ; Rothhalsiger Taucher, German ;
Zambullidor, Spanish.
As this is a species that I never met with alive, I
merely mention here that, although it has never been
known to nest in the United Kingdom, it is by no
means an uncommon autumnal visitor to various parts
of the British coasts, especially to those of the Eastern
counties of England and Scotland. This Grebe is said
to breed abundantly in Denmark, Northern Germany,
Sweden, and Russia. From the records given by many
authors it appears to closely resemble the Great Crested
Grebe in general habits, except that it does not use its
wings in diving. Colonel Irby identified several of this
species at Ras-Doura in Morocco in April, and quotes
from the notes of Favicr to the effect that some of these
birds remain to breed in that country*.
* ' Ornithology of the Straits of Gibraltar' (London, 1875).