Sterna fluviatilis, Naum. Isis, 1819, p. 1818; Yarr. ed. 4, iii.
p. 519; Dresser, viii. p. 2G3.
Sterna liirundo, Naum. x. p. 8 9 ; Macg. v. p. G38; Hewitson,
ii. p. 480.
Pierre-Garin, French ; Gemeine Meerschwalbe, German;
Golondrina de mar, Charrdn, Spanish.
This very graceful bird, which is commonly known as
" Sea-Swallow," is a spring migrant to this country,
generally arriving early in May, nesting on the sandy
and shingly portions of our coasts, and not uncommonly
on the pebbly margins of lakes, taking its departure in
September or October. During both seasons of migration
the Common Tern wanders along the courses of
our rivers to long distances from the sea; but, as a
rule, breeds in the neighbourhood of salt water.
The eggs, three in number, are laid, with very little
in the way of a nest, on sand or shingle.
A flock of Terns hovering over and stooping into the
" summer sea" is a very interesting and beautiful sight
that might some years ago have been enjoyed within