Colymbus minor, Briss. Orn. vi. p. 56 (1760); Naum. ix.
p. 785.
Sylbeocyclus europseus, Macg. v. p. 276.
Podiceps minor, Hewitson, ii. p. 446.
Podiceps fluviatilis, Yarr. ed. 4, iv. p. 137; Dresser, viii.
p. 659.
Le Caslagneux, French; Kleiner Toucher, German; Zambullidor
chico, Somormujo, Spanish.
This quaint-looking little bird is resident and more
or less common in suitable localities throughout Great
Britain and Ireland, and breeds on quiet waters amongst
reeds and flags, occasionally without any attempt at
concealment of its nest, which is a simple platform of
various water-plants. The first eggs are generally laid
early in April; four is about the average number of a
sitting, although more are occasionally to be met with:
when first laid they are of a greenish white, but from
the habit of the bird of covering them with wet and
dead weed whenever she leaves the nest, they often pass
through a stage of buff to a dirty brown, and, under
the hot sun of Southern Europe, not uncommonly to a
deep chocolate colour. Of late years, as I am informed,