Cymochorea cryptoleucura, Ridgw. Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. iv.
p. 337.
Oceaiiodroma cryptoleucura, Wilson, Aves Hawaiienses,
part iv.; Salvin, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. xxv. p. 350;
Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1898, p. 5 3 ; Saunders, Ibis, 1898,
p. 401.
Under this name Mr. Ridgway in 1881 described the
Forked-tailed Petrel of the Sandwich Islands ; he afterwards
traced it to the Galapagos. Still more recently
it has been recognized as an inhabitant of St. Helena
and the Salvage Islands in the Atlantic. It has now
found a place in our fauna, a bird undoubtedly of this
species having been picked up dead on the beach at
Littlestone, in Kent, on 5th December, 1895, and passed
into the collection of Mr. Boyd Alexander before it was
skinned. It has also occurred in North America.
[0. S.]