Procellaria anglorum, Temm. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 806.
Puffinus anglorum, Macg. v. p. 441; Heivitson, ii. p. 514;
Dresser, viii. p. 517; Yarr. ed. 4, iv. p. 21.
Petrel Manks, French; Nordischer Tauchersturmvogel,
German; Skraapur, Fseroese ; Skrofa, Islandic.
A well-known and common species in the North
Atlantic Ocean, chiefly on the eastern or European
side. Many nesting-places are known on islands off the
western coast of the British Islands and round the coast
of Ireland. It also breeds in some numbers on the
Faeroes and is found on the coast of Norway and
throughout the North Sea.
In the Mediterranean a closely allied form, called
P. yelkouan, occurs, the distinctness of which is questionable.
This southern bird has been traced to the
Atlantic and to the shores of Devonshire. [0. S.]