Anas Gadwqlt Duck,
The Gadwall, |
Anas -
Common ,,
The „
P ennv- Brif.'Zdàl^yol. 275L_^
MbsHPr-Ornith* DieU
Bewick, Brit. Birds, | | | | i i . p. 364.
Flem. Brif. An. p. 124.' ^
Seïæv, Brit, ürnitli. vol. îi. pi*301’.
J enyns, Brit. Yert. p. 231.
G ould, 'Bjjrds of Europe, pt. viii.
Temm. Man. d’Ornith. vol.'ii. p. 837.
T h e G a d w a l l , or .Grey Duck, as the term is intended to
imply, is a rare s p e c if occurring sometimes in winter,- but
more frequently in the spring, rather than at any other season
of the year, and then only in very limited numbers. Montagu
mentions that .during the. many years he devoted to
observing and collecting British; Birds, he was -never, able
to obtain a recent ^specimen. Examples are, however, occa-
* Genus Chauliodus of Swainson, 1801.
grandly met with on our eastern coast, and not uncomm^
n^lih^the Lohdori t markets, but some of these latter
birds ^a^ei^fl^^pijsbafely brought» from Holland, where they
B'c^lnewn' to be rather common, and ;frot0t whence a con-
fSj^ierabMi quantitylofiwild, f®v?14 of different sorts is sent to
this- ’country for ^Mlel’itBMii^lfout the-,? season- for* working
SirAVilliam Jardifflfe|m'entions,,Jaii a note appended:
to j |h$&f sj>nefes^M,|^^ediripn jqf1 Wifitnlsi!Am erican Omit ho-
log^j-that in Holland, in ^Septembir;and October this is' the
mQgjtAoriaman di^i? ip;d|!o| markets, - and that they4, were ob^-
served to.->behabundaairii<i)n:'the l a ^ i ^ iT h e a ste rn parts of
Europe seem^^ ^ > fie" more > farohri^py Qualities : ,v^h this
‘SMeis’si. M^.Yi®rofefea^^hifsatudmbt uncommon on the
.pbast^of'-France dh*#fc^"pnonth.of" November, if'th e weather
riswrimgh. In.'Switzerland, according -to> -Professor: Schinz, it
is ^ i 0rdHfrd<m^$fely .seeh in autumn than in winter. At
i||e®oaandrin Italy-it;4l®6^^edC rather as^a4)iWl?©fipasj^g||
infljlrihgdtn dpns < autumn. The* .Zoological ‘Society have re-
^ » i ^ ^ « 'e k 3'eh^l3seidfli^ ’H i iTh6ihas "Reade, from North
,A|rie%t Mlessrs. Dickson”;and Ross .found’ this^,species* at
Erzerum in 5 RuSsiah-naturalistss.bbserVed it
^» Ife eo u n tric s1 of, the Caucasus'; a-nfeGolonel Sikes’, ineludds
Catalogue of.dhe Bircl^t;of the Dukhun, where it is
seen in flocks. I t i^sai<Lt©|b,e abundant inithesvast marshes
■oik the North of Europe, but idoksdnot ^pr---frr -to the west of
thesBalticj as M. Nilssoff'tsaf||that;it is rare in'Sweden;
and Mr. Damd tells me'that he ineveir^inet with this species
in Norway or Laplahdfl As rpight.'he: expected,"'itis rare
in> the western parts of the British Islan d ^ !it, has but rarely
been* killed in Ireland *;^hfly occasionally in Cornwall or
Devon, but more - frequently in Kent, Essex-, Suffolk, Cambridge,
and Norfolk.
Mr. Proctor, subcurator -at- the University Museum; Durham,
who visited Iceland-a few summers since, sent me word