middle of the neck a narrow ring, rather datkev in?e# o u r;
the whole of the back and wing-co Ver ts' riimber-br 6 wn, with a
tinge of green ; primary quilbfeathers * duSky black, part of
the inner webs~white ; the •■secondaries white; "forming a bar
of that colour on the wing, butrthe extreme ends are black ;
tail-feathers brownish-black; f on the'-icMfiia small -triafegular
spot of white; lower part of ;the- breast and the belly whii#?;,'
the flanks brown ; vent greyish-brown; under tail-e©verts
white ; legs and* toes -tluish-bl&ukj "the »membranes -darker.
The whole length sixteen•• indheS ; the witg,5frdn$.Ae carpal
joint se-ven 'iheh-es'and^three-quarters.* -^^hS^first q-uffi-feather
the longest in the%ingy
In-the 'female" the iirdes-are not quite' white ; Ae whole
head and neck^deep^feddish-brown, darker in 'tint; .'and
rich in appednnce as the same «parts in the maleplwimgs* like
those of the maleT; flower breast and belly dingy-white ; the
female bird is- rather smaHer than the male? ' *
The yonng blrdPof the year, during" it s -first wirvterir4s^&t4ll
smaller- than the adult female, and^ has also still 4ess of the
red chestnut tin t; 4he! back, wings, .and neck are y©f'Iwo
shades of brown, the'edges of -the feathers being oflthe 'lighter
colour; breMt'ana belly-dull brownish-grey.
The trachea oUthe maid^is'-abo^'rix-flnClces *in ieOgth-;
the tube is small at' both ends,-but eiflarged in* the-middle
the portion represCntedhelow is tifWe Natural'sizfe'.. ~
Anas' f r i a r D u c k , P enn. Brit. Zool. vol. ü. p. 251.
-- ,, Britf-Birds, vol. ii* p. 355.
'%tyroCa ,, „ „ F lem. Brit. An. p . 122.
Fullgula,, „ Pochard, Selby, Brit. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 354.
- , , / ' J-eSyns, Brit. i%er£. p. 243.
_ Gppij?, Birds of Europe, pt. xi s*
nip/i*'rniimiivuin TiiMM. Man. d’Ornith. vol. iu p* 86«
T h e S c a u p D u c k is a winter visiter to this country, and
rather ablate one, keldom making its appearance till the end
of October, eTr'-the beginning of 'November, about which
time, particularly . if the weather be rough and cold, they
arrive in small flocks on various parts of the- coast, and at
the months of rivers, but, do not very often visit the waters
of inland counties. They appear to prefer low, flat, muddy,