the eastward, and is found at the Caspian Sea and in India,
where the Green species is, n o t‘seen,.hjut .has d*een brought
from South Africa by Dr. AnefreW Smith.
In the adult bird the bill is ' dusky black, the base of the
under mandible and the naked skin about'the gape ycli<jwi,4A
green ; the. iridés green ; thé'head Crested -in the springs the-
Crown, neck, breast, and all the under, surface of the body a
uniform rich dark green ; back, and wing-cö\erts dark green.
jacK.feiather.with a nafroWi, but darker margin; wing and
tail-feathers 'Black le g a te e s , and niemhr^s^bjack.
The whole length'of the'male, t^nty-seven'in£bès$ of'the
Wing from the wris| ten inches’ and" three-quartersr^
Young birds have the upper plumageltf'oWn, tïntedÉiMi
green ; the under surfeceJbrownish-ash, mingled With
T H E G Â N N E p y
or S o l a n d . G oose.
Pelecanus bassanus, The GdnneF, P enn. Brit. ZooT. vol. ii. p. 2861.
,, - „ ' M6*i|.Ti!0mith.
,, : ,, Bewick, Brit. Birds, vol.ii. p. 408.
Sula, ,,alba • Common ,, Fi.em. Brit. An. p. 118.
,, 'VassanJ Solan Selby, Brit. Ufnit'h. vol. ii. p. 455.
,, ,, Common ,, Iv:»Jenyns, Brit. Vert. p. 263.
,, ,, Solan Gou^n, Birds of Europe, pt. xvii.
,, alba, 1 F&urcjâ hassan * Temm. Man. d’Ornith.'vol.^n. p. 905.
Sula. Generic Characters.—-Bill strong, long, forming an elongated cone
very large at its Tjase, compressed towards the point, which is slightly curved ;
edges of the mandibles serrated ; the angle of the gape behind the line of the