wing-coverts white; the smaller coverts tipped with black ;
the wing-primaries almost black, tinged with green ; the
secondaries tinged with reddish-bay, and edged with chestnut
; the lower part of the back, the rump and tail, nearly
black; front of the neck, the breast, and upper part of the
belly, pale rufous brown, a patch on the breast chestnut
brown ; lower part of the belly and the vent pale brown; the
legs and feet pink.
The whole length of an adult male about twenty-six inches.-
The distribution of colours are the same in females as in
males, hut the tints are less bright and pure. The wing is
furnished with a short blunt spur at the wrist.
The tube of the windpipe is about twelve inches long,
nearly cylindrical in form throughout; but unlike those of the
other geese, the male has a hollow bony enlargement^ half
as thick as it is wide; at the bottom of the, tube on the left
side, as shown in the vignette below, where the lower portion
of the windpipe, the bony enlargement, and the short depending
bronchial tubes, the last slightly connected by a thin
slip of membrane, are figured of the natural size. The view
is taken with the tube and its enlargement in thé natural
position, the breast-bone being removed, as in the case of the
view of the windpipe of the Spoonbill figured in thé second
volume, page 504.
o r G a m b o G o o s e .
Anas Gambensis, Spur-winged Goose, Bewick, Brit. Birds, vol. ii. p. 313.
Anser, ,, Gambo Goose, Flem. Brit. An. p. 128.
“ ,, Spur-winged Goose, J enyns, Brit. Vert. p. 226.
A s p e c im e n of this African Goose, killed in Cornwall in
June 1821, was presented to Mr. Bewick by Mr. Henry
Mewburn of Stk Germain’s, near which place it was shot.
The figure in Bewick’s work on our British Birds was taken
from this specimen, which is now deposited in the Museum
at Newcastle.
G. T . Fox, Esq. in his Synopsis of the contents of the
Newcastle Museum, gives the following particulars of the
capture of this British killed specimen, which were supplied