On Sir Edward Parry’s first ancL second Arctic voyages,,.it
was observed to her abundant during the .summer . months ori'
the North Georgian Islands, and found breeding at.Iglookik
and Melville Island on the third- voyage. This, species -is-
well-known to the ornithologists-q£ khepTfnited States, where,
it performs periodical jnigrations north- and south, similar to.
those observed in Europe;; the Grey ‘Phalarope Ssftalso included
in the^ volume#-devoted,, to the - Zoology^ofeCaptaim
Beechey’s voyage'to the-PacifiC''iirthe Blossom; hut the lo-v
cality in which the birdVas obtained^ is-not named.
P AfecordingAoPennant, this .^eeies: is found*in the%astein
ptifts of the" north bfi Europe1; * is abultant ^iife^iberray'aiiid
about the ld ^ 'h k e s of Asia'te-thei^epian ge&A-It is tootf*-
sionally found in Holland and Germany;. but is'-COnSiUeredva;
rare bird in France,: Switzerland, and Italy.nd
The females of this species appear to-assume*ikdce‘ perfect
colours -hr Hebreeding-season, and-to „retain theife longer than'
the males.- -A female in fine summer plumage Kaarthe J^eak'-
^yellow, the p u n t - dark brown ;* /around the b a se ^ u th ^ b ^ ak ’,
and on the top of the head, dark brownish black^ridesi-dark
brownaround th e c a e - a patch of \\hitc; a 'narrow :strip6
down the back of the neck;„all the backhand rump^xhearly.
black, with pale yellow margins >, Messer, wing-coVer-ts lead-
grey, edged with white; greater wing-coverts and secondaries
lead-grey, with broad ^ends of whiter - tertials-; also* lead-grey
margined with orange-yellow; 'quill and fkalvfeathers almost-
black; the front and sidesfof the neck, "the breast, and-all
the under surface of: the body uniform reddish chestnut, or
b ay ; under-surface, of Jail-feathers ash-grey; legs, toes, and
their lobpd membranes yellow; the claws black.
When changing in autumn’ to the plumage of winter, the
bay under-colour is lost byi degrees; the first . grey feathers
that appear are the scapulars, and from thepce down the ■sides
of the back ; afterwards those of theHuterscapular space, and
the centre of the back below ; the orange-coloured margins of
the tertials becoming paler.
In winter the.beak is .black ; around its base, and on the
top of the head, white ; irides dark brown ; around the eye
dusky- blacto;: a patch of the same" colour on the ear-coverts
and* onnthet&eiput; back of the neck, scapulars, upper wing-
coverts^ and all the balck, uniform pearkgrey.; greater coverts,
secondaries; and tertials, leadrrgxey, margined with white ; pri-
mariekjas in summer; tail-feathers ash-grey, margined with
white^cbm, neck i'if?;front| breast, and all the under surface
of utfeibody - pure, H ite , except a small patch of pearl-grey
before, thH pO k t^ thawings, but not extending round the
'front; l:egl|>t'oes,'and membranes’^ellowish brown:; the claws
w^K-itk^n^ vary considerably in siae; the females are the
largest;; and nreasiure^abou^ eight inches and a quarter in their
w h o le *!eUgtb;‘ tfie^males usually half an inch less; from the
carpal joint to the o#?the wing four inches'and three-
quarters. „
•-’^Skhe 'vignette* represents* ,th© structure- o f the feet in the
Bhalbrope. ’