the beak and th&f?eÿe’, and on the patch $ït; p ale^
green;-head, cheeks, and part of the neck behind white-;
below the white.oh the neck thereJa à collar ?0f black, which
ends, in a broad'stripe, passing the whofedength of/the middle
n f tKi~baek and upper tail-c.o4verts, ffcis: llutteri-portjon tinged
with raven blue; the wing^primariea and. tail-feathers thrown ;
the secondariesxin paft ,white,,,witHLa^tëbhbld^QÜLterj: web
forming ar rich speculum ;-tëh& terminal * portions ^hitpl^ each
tertial feather whitp on the inner, wébf rich blue; on hhe'bnter
weh, and curved downwards towards the end :‘ wing^p©vetts
white^Sèapulàrs elongated,. and liferthe tertials, withltne
narrow inner jweh whitë, - the broader outer vyfeb^jfch1 blngr;
chin and: throat-rich brown ; jf e li# 'th e broad-Jblui&h-^^ek
collar Isia harrow'collar ®f> white,"the noloufe’'^éndmg^oyer
the.sides of the heck to each wing ;:ajnst below the-peint of
the wing, some of the white-? feathers hâve blackht-*thc<tip,
forming.aldark patch imiddle,of breast and bellyTich-chestnut
brown, passing ofF into a buff colour on the front, siiJës^
and-flanks; vent, and under tail-coVerts dark brown ;leg s,
toestand their membranes black^ the hind-toctwith a deep
lobé.. j
The whole length ÔÏ vthe bird nineteen inches. Front* the
jpolnt .of -thë wing to the encLef the longest ;qnilldfe®ther nine
The female figured by M. Nilsson so clesekf -resembles
the females of the Eider and King Ducks, which? are described,
and the-latter .represented on the opposite page,; that
it is only necessary to notice'the difference in the wing of'the
Western female,- which has the greater coverts and the secondaries
tipped with white, forming two bars enclosing between
them a bluish-black speculum. Our figùre of the female
Western Duck was taken from M. Nilsson’s- coloured plate;
Arips Meetabilis, King, Dueijg“
pgENN(. Brit. Zopl. vol. ii. p. 246«
,, ,, Mont. Ornith. Diet,
i) >, Bewick/Blit. Birds.
King Eider,| g | | EEM. B rit. An. p. 120«
, , , , . .SELBifj.Brit. QrnitU. vol. ii. p. 343.
,, D y , c k , Jenyns, Brit. Vert: p. 238.
P P ? ,, ■ Birds of Europe, ptviv.
Canard a Temm. Man. d’Ornith’. volt ii. p> 851.
T h i s species is very little inferior to the Eider Duck in
size, and also- resembles it in its habits, but is much more
rare as a British b ird ; indeed, there are but few instances
p £