The young of the year in; August - have ,the beak , flesh-
colour-; the head and neck brown chin arid' front of th l
neck white ; interscapulars and wings brown ; wing-coverts
white ; tertiaris, white, but edged. with chesnut, the fbrst
appearance of that colour ; primaries black ; speculum becoming
green ; all the under surface white ; legs flesh colour.
The young birds do hot breed tin tthey are two years; .old.
- ; I referred, at : page 56 of : the? ; present -volume, thé
peculiar character of. the organs ofyoice in. some of the, Gbese
and Swans, and in almost aflrthe Ducks and .Mergansers,
forming together the -.large, the valuable, and interesting
family of thé Anatidm ; and I may hère refer particularly
to that organ as found in the Shieldrakc, which is- so entirely
distinguished from that of any other> Species, as. at once "and
alone to afford, as far as I have yet seen, a decided ^specific
character.gJ The I trachea, .ór windpipe, in the Shieldrake is
about ten inches long, nearly uniform in "sfee tnFoughout.its
length, except towards the bottom, where, for about*.-one
inch, it is much smaller. , On each sidejof the bone of divarication,
forming the bottom of the tube,« théré is a-globular,
hollow, bony protuberance, - that om.ohe. side being as large
again as the one on the others The b.öïfé is thin, and so
flexible when in its. moist and natural statè as readily to
become indented on pressure. T h e ’ representation given
below is only a little, smaller than the natural size. "The
tube below each enlargement, going off, one to each lobe of
the lungs, presents nothing remarkable.
B eÜe-wÏngêd 'Shove?£er, or B road-bil l*
A n a s c l y p e a ta ,
fipafhulèa,, ■
■Rwyn'phaspis !
Anas| ' ,
,-Eto-c./c,,-?.. Brit, atoL; ii.
Red-breastedrS%oveîer, n ,, ,, „ 265.
Tile ShovelérY' ^ : '* ÏÜ'ont. ÓtnitH. 'Diet;
,, . F lem.’ Brit.-An-ÿ.pj t23s?t K
Common , , Selby, Brit. .Órnith,. vol. ii. p.297. ,, ,, Jïn I I s', Brit. VerU p. z30".
SUomler.’ Djick,' CrdiKLn, Birds onEurope, pt. xix.
• Canar(k$oiichett , Temm. Map, d’Ornith. vol. H. p. 842.
Anas. Generic Characters .—Bill about as5 long as thé head, broad, de-
.pressedj sidhs parallel, 'sometimes partially dilated; both mandibles furnished
on the amper edges with transverse- lamellar, "Nostrils small, oval, lateral,
anterior töTnë base of the beak. Legs, rather'imort/placed under the centre * l
*' The 'Siöirëleï^genus Spathulèa, Fleming, 1822 ] Rhynchaspis, Stephens,
M 5 • and Clypeata, Breton, 1831.
l 2