The female is without a crest; the top of the head dark
brown ; cheeks, throat, and sides of the neck greyish-white;
upper surface of the body pale rufous-brown ; point of the
shoulder and the speculum greyish-white ;• bréast reddish-
brown ; the other parts of the under surface, greyish-brown
beak and legs, reddish-brown.
The windpipe of the male is? about niné ifichéé in length,
the tube is'narrow in .diameter a t the middT%jand. near the
end, but enlarged at the commencement and again below the
middle, as shown in the representation of thé lower half here
inserted. The labyrinth in the Ducks of ^ ^ ë^d i vision is
composed partly of bone, and partly of membrane.. The right
and left surface are here shown ; the membrane supported by
delicate portions of bone diverging from an ^ outer bony ring.
: or D un B ir d .
Aiia.stijJ'erinnj Pochard
,, ,, TKèsPoctîürd,
r'-Aj.i/) oca,
F align la
Alias Y
Red-headê&Y, ’
Cimar-d milouin,
P enn. B ril. Zool. vol. li. p . 2 7 1 .
M&Nt. Orftitb. D ie t. *'
Bewick, B rit. B ird s , vjolj ii. p v 3 6 9 .
F l em . B rjt, A n . p , 1 2 1 . „.
SeebIt, B rit. O fn ith . v o l.:n . p . 347.
J enyns, B rit, V c r t-p . 2 4 1 .
Gocii'D, B ird s o f E u ro p e , p t. xvii.
P emm. M a n . d ’O rn itli. Vol. ii. p. 868.
T h e P o c h a r d , or! Dun-bird, for this species is known by
various names, as Redheaded Poker, and Red-eyed Poker,
from the prevailing, colour of the head, and : the peculiar
colour of the eye, not observed in any other British Duck ;
and Dos gris, or Grey-back, in some parts: of North America,
as wè are told by Mr. Audubon ; is a winter visiter to