by some authors considered' distinct, and called F .
but we Have* only one. species., The youngjbirds _of the yeai-
are smaller than, the parents, the naked frontal patch;: is> also
smaller, and the under parts o rth e plumage are of a lighterf
grey.. Young chicks on emerging from: the egg-shell-are
covered with black down, with-some lighter-coloured* down*
hanging loosely about them. v
Varieties entirely white, and others only partially; whit%.
have beëh seen both in- Norfolkmd Lincolnshir#:r
The: decidedly aquatic habits,, .with the. attendant peculiarity’of
the féet of the remaining members of this orde^.of
birds, èntitle them :to some distinction from thejjallinules,- as
more nearly approaching the'true swimmers; ^at'at&re-s,. :*
The vignette represents- the structure ofthe foot,.in wfriéïï
thé dilatations of.the membranes correspond in situation:with
the bones of- the "toes, namely",' qneYlobemh;each- side each^f
the phalanges ; ' of:which' there are two to'the frmer toe; three
toithe middle toe,' and four to the .óutérïtoë.':
Phalaropus lobafus, ' ^Grèy Phalar
TfifigcC''• lob&fa',- ^ ,,
Phcflaropus lobatuSy- ^ ,, ,,
,, hyperbcreus, Red ,,
,, lobatus, Gfoj j 'V. W-
,, platyrhinbhus, ,, ,,
t> , , t Pllalarope platyrhv
Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. u, p. 202.
, MoSt.' Ornith. Diet. E
B ewick, Brit. Birds, voU ii. p. 155,.
„ „ „ \ ,, p. 154.
Flem. Brit. An. p. 100.
Selby j-’Brit. Ornith. vol. iii p. 162.
J enyns, Brit, -Vert. p. 215. .
~ Qov£p, Birds of Europe, pt. iv.
que, Temm. Main d’Ornith. vol. ii. p. 712.
P halaropus. 1 Genetic Characters.—Beak rather Idng, slendef, weak, straight,
depressed and blunt;, both mandibles grooved-throughout their whole length;
the upper mandible slightly curved at the point. Nostrils basal, lateral, oval,
prominent, "enqircled by a' membrane.' Legs moderate, slender, tarsus compressed
; three toes in front one behind ; the anterior toes united as far as the
first articulation, the other parts furnished with an extension of the membrane
laterally, forming lobes slightly serrated at the edges, the hind toe-without
membrane, and articulated on the inner side of the tarsus. Wings moderate ;
the first and second quill-feathers the longest.--. -