NATATORES. anatwæ.
Anas rvfieollis,
Ansa- ,,
Red-breasted GgpseÇ
Oie a cou roux
P enn. BrifcjZcral.;vol^l ,p. 241.
Mont. OrnLtfi. Dicf.
Bj wick, Brit. Birds, vol. ii. p. 297.
Flem. Brit. An. p. 128. - ..
Seeby, Brit* Orniith. vol. ii.vp. 275.
J enyns, Brit. Vert. p. 225.
Goeed, Birds of Europe, pt. xvi.
Temm. Man» d’Omith. vqI. id. p. 826.
„ ,, ,, pt. iv, p. 522.
B ut little is known of the habits of this beautiful species,
which appears to be very rare, except in' the extreme northern
parts of Asia and Siberia,, its migrations in summer extending
to the shores of $he Frozen Ocean, where it is said to breed
ahd rear^fts^yln®.^/' According to M. Temminck it is found
ab&ntHhe .estuaries lof the rivers Ob a id Lena. Professor
Nilsson Cmehti^k;4w.o^instances only in which this bird has
been obtained in Scandinavia, one'e in 1791, and once in
18#,0*.> -lls migrations are said to have been more regularly
observed in Denmark ; and Fabier;includes it in his Prodro-
-mus of bhrei Ornithology of Iceland. I t appears to have been
fbijatained more/fiequerifely in England than in any of the coun-
hr©kbd|it^ The; yfafct; example wus taken near London
-during the^e^ere-ijoat'of 1Tfi6«r. This specimen passed into'
Ihevpossessiom of Mr. .Tunstall, and riow/preserved in the
Museum- of Newcastle-upon-Tyne/, Another was, captured
alive in Yorkshire, about the same time^. soonv became tame,
and: was,kept'with some ,djacks;in a pond.' A third was kill®!
near Berwick-upeh-T||eed!f,a^d formed part ofiMr. Bullock’s
celebrated .collection. . This “specimen is now preserved in the
British Museum. bThe’authors of the Catalogue of Norfolk
and,%folk Birds-state,,that Mr. Wigg- had a specimen of
this rare-iGoosej jwhich was killed at Halvergate-in Norfolk, in
the year 18t)5-..\ He says its flesh was well flavoured. I t has
been ^elsewhere noticed, that the flesh was free from any fishy
taste, and in; great, esteem .for the table. Other specimens
are stated to haver been killed “in Cambridgeshire during the
Severe winter of 18.18 ; and Dr. Edward Moore, in his Catalogue
of the Birds of Devonslird, has recorded two instances
of this Goose*/having been obtained in that county. One was
shot ok Kenton Warren in -1828, and is■ now in the possession
of Mr. W. Russell, at Dawlish: the second was killed
on Teign marshes-, February 1st, 1887, by Rendell of Buck-
land, and was prepared and preserved by Mr; Drew. But
one example is mentioned by M. Temminck as having been
killed in Holland; but one in France, recorded by M.
Vieillot as having been killed near Str»/ bourgh ; and one in
VOL. I I I . G