white; legs rather short, and dusky in colour, the toes and
interdigital membranes also; the hind toe only a small
tubercle without any projecting horny nail or claw; and on
this aceount the species was-called Lridactylus^ three toed.
The whole* den gth/'üfteen inches and a half; from the
anterior joint of the- wing- to the end of the longest,quill-
Teather twelve in ch ed
The adult bird in winter h a s'thé lower part of the -fifesek
behind French greyydike the-back ; the *'occi|)Ufcj4t@p bf^the
"head and the-* regiphtof the ear-cêVéfts streaked with du&ky
grey, the other .parts as «in-iummer: •
Young bW& of" the year’have the *
dusky,, almost* black'Supper part of theyhe^dy'white ^iithe,
occiput and nape, with afew dusky grey'patehes^on-j a’ v^Iiite
g ro u n d ith d lower.jpart of 'tfe^neök hifindumarked’^5y%u-
merdus blackish-grey dte&fehers; forming?- fratfs^verfejlcïes'cei] ttc:
bands.;'back, Scapulars,* great wing-e5^erts^rand 'Secondaries
French grey; point of the ^series?ioip-mMl;lef
wirig-èojerté nearly black, forming lé cons"pie.t£«is dark- stripe
-down the wing wheÉ^fbsëd, fe@L^^»s^it^hefr^^p£Döded'
tertials French$*%fey, with a¥spa#fpf' -black near tKëkêlik thé
inner broad weBsVaried with w h ite r tall^everts^ahd -»faith
feathers white,’.ther la tte r'bMêk—at Ih e ^ n d ^ fo rm i^ a lcMi^
npicuous transverse bar-; the 'middleVail-featherS having'<l|#
largest portion^ of* black; ther outérUail-featMfl on"' teach «stdte
th e ' smallest; chin, neck, breast, and' all -thé'uiïde^^ria’cé
the body pure white:; under^faifeoVertSi'whltj, -taildeatliërs
white at the base, ending "in dark or lead-grew^degs, t©’e‘s;
and membranes pale brown.
NATATORES. La r i d m
•Lar^us ebuqneus, Iv$nfyLGully -;^ 8 ewick, Brit. Birds, vol. ii. p. 234.
,, c a n d id u s , The Snow-bird, F lem. Brit. An. p, 142.
B l l . , fbunuvs, 'liohl'Guil, "oeffir,'Brit'. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 497.
Brife -Vert, p. 276.
HHI Birds of Kuropp, pt.' xiii.-
■ Mouette bfahclie, .^T E M M .lV k an . d’Omith. vol. ii. p. 769.
T HfE j first example of - this Ivory-white Gull obtained in
the- BritishJslands, occurred at Balta Sound, Shetland, in
the'^ winter !of 1822-, and the circumstance is recorded in the
fourth volume of the Memoirs of the Wernerian Society by
Lawrence EdmonSfon, Esq., who presented the specimen to
von. h i .