found it common on the west coast.— Though included
among the Birds of the United States, but few are seen to
the west of Newfoundland.., _
„ I t is rather a rare bird on our eastern coast, but has been
obtained at the Fam Islands, and oh the coast of Norfolk.
I t is rare also on the shores*of Holland and France. I t has“
been taken, at Gtehoa, im the Adriatic, and in the Mediterranean.
Dr. Heinekeh included J t among the“ Birds of Madeira.
M. Temminck mentions-having received one from
the Bosphorus; and Mr. Hugh Strickland also obtaiiypdtfchis
species, at Smyrna.
The appearance of the young -chick has ^kehsi already
noticed. M. Temminck, in the 4th part :-of/his{: Manual,
says, The young birds oh the year have a ll the under, parts of
a deep ash -chlour.
In -the adplt bird the bill is“ blackish^own, but lighter
brown at the, base ; ' indesT hazel; head, back of ; the* -neck,
back, wings, and tail, uniform brownish^black ; Lchih, and
neck, in front white; sides, ©fi-the fneck varied with. da,rk7g4?ey
and white in transverse^ bars; breast,_belly, and un&trsiail-
eoverts white;, behind the thighs a patch of - brownish-black-
legs, toes,, and their membranes thrown.
The whole length of the bird fourteen inches; from t||se
anterior bend of the wing to the^end of the longest- quill-
feather nine inches and a half.
B U LW E R ’S P E T R E L .
^ B o w e r ’s "Petrel, Jardinje and S e l b y , Illust. Ornith.
vol.ii. pi. 65.
T h a la s sid rom a B u lw e r ii , .GbTjSLD, Birds of Europe, pt. xxii.
T Geficiic C fta ru e te rsg- s h o r t e r than the head, much
cb^npfkssb'EL' ih^froW*df the nasal-sheath; with the tip-of the'upper mandible
-and hooking,downwards, and that of the lower one slightly
angnlated, an^ffiloWing the curve .of thu5.up.per. r Nostrijs Contained in one
tubew sheath, but showing two distiifetrcfrifiees in front. Legs;having the
tatsif rathe! jolngi and-slenddr*,reticulated*.. Feet of three toes, united by a
membjpiev A±rhef oMfeTta-mil middle ctoes nearly„eqqal in length, and longer
tha®-the innferjPhin^We represented by a small, straight, dependant nail.
Win^f'-ldng, 'dcttmi^lte. Tail square, op .slightly forked. Selby.
" Severai^ species of Petrel, all of small size, were separated
by the late Mr. Vigors from the other genera of Petrels
qp account.^ di^l|pcjions observable in their external struc-
trmq. a.s Referred to- in the ..generic characters,* as well as
* Zoological J-ournal, vol. ji. page 405.
VOL. ; p i . 1 L