greater wing-coverts black; wing primaries brownish-black;
secondaries white, forming the speculum, and tipped with
black; rump and upper tad-coverts nearly black; tail-feathers
dark brownish-black ; the sides below the wings, and the'
flanks, covered with fine grey lines, on a ground of white;
lower part of breast and the belly mottled with pale greyish-
brown -and white; vent dark grey, almost as black as the
under tad-coverts; feet like .the-beak, much smaller than
these parts in the true Scaujyand darker in colour,-being r0f
a more uniform bluish-black. ;
In the- figures given, great care has been taken, to>present
the true relative appearance of the two-birds.
I only know of this one jexam>ple_£ound »liniEft^land, which
was purchased in Leadenhall market a few winters^since.
The form of the trachea i§: unknbwriTto me, and not;->pbssess^
big any measurements taken before the bird’ wasip'res'erved1, T
refrain from mentioning those, which may ;not exist: in a 5 state-
erf nature.
The vignette below represents itte-dij^efence ah the extent
of the membrane depending from the. hind -itOe ’0=fe-the two;
divisions'of Tthe true-ducks; that on .the left ■
the first division, or surface-feeding Ducks-;^ that on the right
to the second division, the. oceanic, or Diving-Ducks^
A n t y fliiiguia, Tufted'1 Duck; P en n . B ritf ^ o o f. vol, ii. p ,2 4 9 .
H j H ^ I jj| 1 M ont, p r n ith . D ie t.
B i ,, , , BEWiGK, B rit. B ird s, vol.. ii. p .3 8 6 .
, F l em . B rit. A n . p. 122. .
'Fiiliguld^cinstii'tci^ ‘ ! P ^13r it. O rn ith . vol. ii. p . 3 5 7 .
I K j L , _ t >>, J,ENYNS,4Brit. V e rt. p. 2 4 4 .
UCH’ i .S o tiLD j.B ird s o f Europe,' p t. xii.
Ilruh fu llgula, W m . M a n . d ’O ra ith . vol. ii. p . 8 7 3 .
T he T ufted D uck is;!a constant and well-known winter
visiter tb this country,^frequenting our sea coasts, estuaries,
and lakes,»'where it. generally remains till March. I t is frequently*
seen in company.with the Pochard, the Scaup, the
Golden Eye:, and other oceanic- ducks on our shores, but,
Occasionally; also in small parties and sometimes in pairs only.
It: is a plump and short bird, depressed in form, Swimming
low in the water; and though it frequents our rivers and