96 Hypericum Bonaparteae.
I have dedicated this species of St. John’s Wort, to Princess Charlotte,
now Countess de Surveilliers, in testimony of my personal respect
for her, and my veneration for her name.
“ A very elegant plant, from one to two and a half feet high. The
branches are divaricating, slender, appressed, and frequently indexed
or curved downward, and crowded with numerous leaves, much
narrower than the stem leaves, less obtuse,-, and even inclining to
acute. From the axills of the stem leaves proceeds a cluster of five
or six sub-linear, obtuse leaves, which appear to arise from abortive
branches. The flowers are yellow, about the size of those of H.
corymbosum. 1 discovered this new species about four, (now nine)
years since, in a rich, wet or swampy meadow, on the lower edge of
Lansdowne’s grounds, close to the Schuylkill, not far above Beck’s
island. It there grows in profusion, but I have not found it elsewhere.
It stands in my Prodromus, No. 6, without a name, not being certain
at the time I published that work, that it was undescribed.” Barton’s
Comp. FI. Ph. Vol. II. p. 15.
The figure represents the plant the size of nature.
The synonyms are in italics.jgfs
Aster linariifolius - - 91
Anemone hepatica - I - 45
Bartonia ornata - 29
Bartonia decapetala - 30
Cephalanthus Occidentalis - 56
Chelone glabra pi - 16
Clethra acuminata - - - 1
Coreopsis verticillata - 7
Cypripedium pubescens - 9
Cypripedium humile - 35
Chelone glabra, <* . - - 16
Chelone penstemon - - - - 88
Clethra montana - 1
Cteissium paniculatum - 47
Cypripedium acaule ä - - - 35
Cypripedium flavescens - - - 9
Cypripedium calceolus - ,. 9
Cyprepedium calceolus, ß. - - 9
Cynanchum obliquum - - - 79
Dentaria laciniata - - - - ,4
Draba verna - - - - - 49
Dentaria concatenata - - - 4
Draba hispidula - - - - 49
Draba verna, ß. Americana - - 49
Eupatorium maculatum - - - 85
Gentiana crinita - - - - 27
Gentiana saponaria - - - 24