s a m n r a « —m r a » a 0
Calix sub-equal, mostly consisting of a double series of leaflets. Receptacle paleace-
ous, conic. Pappus a 4-toothed margin.
P lant scabrous, about two or two and a half feet high. Stem erect,
striated, leaves amplexicaule, covered with hairs and pits above and
below, obscurely and distinctly serrated, and closely ciliated. Costa
whitish, veins pellucid. Petals of a fine bright yellow colour towards
the apex—towards the centre or base, of a deep orange hue. In the
general aspect of this plant brought by Mr. Nuttall from Arkansa, there
is a striking discrepancy from the common Rudbeckia fulgida, of which
a figure is given in the first volume of this work. The most conspicuous
difference is in the discoloured petals of the present plant.
1 he other is constantly found with petals of an uniform hue. A close
examination, however, does not afford just data for specific separation—
and hence I have merely figured it as a variety. Specimens
have flowered in the garden of Mr. Harvey Elliot near this city, from
seeds produced by tire plants raised from those brought by Mr. Nuttall,
and these specimens present the same character as the figure, which
VOL. III. 21