selves, in older years, in a near relationship by official duties. Need
I say how much gratification I have had, in meeting, at so young
a period of his life, in the enjoyment of that reward which one of the
highest stations of his country has bestowed on him—one who gave
such early presage of talents and worth. If any thing could add to the
pleasure this public avowal affords me, it is my belief that our numerous
collegiate associates in this city, who take delight in the success
of the meritorious alumni of Nassau-Hall, can but read in it their own
sentiments. I am happy to add, that a promiscuous association with
all ranks of naval officers, has recently afforded me the opportunity
of learning, that the high expectations which have been conceived of
the present incumbent of their department, have, by all who have
had occasion through personal or other intercourse, to become acquainted,
been most fully realized.
Among those who will ever be most attached, allow me to place
myself, with the assurance, that the high esteem which youthful intimacy
engendered, is enhanced by my belief in the justness, energy,
and courtesy, with which you will henceforth conduct, as you already
have conducted the high affairs of your important trust.
Though justice and energy are indispensible to the nation, and belong
to a wise dispensation of that power which your elevated department
demands, courtesy is necessary and due to a body of cavaliers,
to bind them to you by the paternal and protecting bands they
are desirous of feeling. Where there is justice and urbanity in the discharge
of great public trusts, like that our chief magistrate has reposed
in you, entire satisfaction must result. Hence I am emboldened
to congratulate the heroic navy of our country on the elevation to
their councils and direction, of a man of genuine talents, possessing a
high sense of one, and modestly practising the other.
With these sentiments permit me to prefix your name to this volume
of my Flora of North America, and avail myself of this opportunity
of excusing myself for having put this dedication to press, without
your knowledge or consent.
..Philadelphia, December 31 st, 1823.