3. A. laccatus, and section, nat. size.
4. A. radicatus, tvvo-tliWs nat. size, and section.
5. A. fusipes, and section, nat. size.
6. A. stipitarius, nat. size, with pilens and section magnified.
7. A. di-yophilus, and section, nat. size.
1. A. pelianthinus, and section, nat. size.
3. A. galopns, nat. size, with section magnified.
3. A. Iris, nat. size, with section magnified.
4. A. vulgaris, with section, uat. size.
5. A. stylobates, nat. size, with section and base of stem magnified.
6. A. tenerrimus, nat. size, with section and separate plant magnified.
7. A. pterigenus, nat. size, with two individuals and section magnified.
8. A. pyxidatus, nat. size, with section magnified.
9. A. mitis, nat. size, with section magnified.
bombycinus, two-thirds nat. size, with section nat. size.
Loveianus, on A. nebularis, two-thirds nat. size, with section
1. A.
2. A.
nat. size,
3. A.
4. A.
5. A.
6. A.
to A. r
7. A. prunulus, with section, half nat. size.
speoiosus, two-thirds nat. size, with section nat. size,
leoninus, with section, nat. size,
chrysophseus, with section, nat. size.
clypeatus, one-third nat. size, improperly referred in the text
1. A. prseoox, with section, nat. size.
3. A. adiposus, with section, nat. size.
3. A. mutahilis, with section, nat. size.
4. A. fastigiatus, one-third nat. size, with section nat. size.
,5. A. rimosus, two-thirds nat, size, with section nat. size.
6. A. trechisporus, with section, nat. size.
1. A. crustuliniformis, with section, nat. size.
3. A. longicaudus, with section, nat. size.
3. A. melinoides, nat. size, with section magnified.
4. A. semiorbicularis, nat. size, with section magnified.
5. A. reticulatus, with section, nat. size.
6. A. mollis, with section, nat. size.
7. A. Rubi, nat. size, with section magnified.
1. A. variabilis,. nat. size, with section magnified.
2. A. campestris, dark var., two-thirds nat. size, with section nat.
3. A. campestris, another variety, with section, nat. size.
4. A. arvensis, small specimen.
5. A. cretaceus, two-thirds nat. size, with section magnified. Variety
with the stem less decidedly sunk into the pileus.
6. A. squamosus, two-thirds nat. size, with section nat. size.
1. A. fascicularis, with section, nat. size.
2. A. velutinus, wdth section, nat. size.
3. 4. A. appendiciilatus, in different conditions, nat. size, with sec
tions slightly magnified.
5. A. Emnisecii, nat. size, with section magnified.
6. A. fimiputris, nat. size, with section sMghtly magiufied.
7. A. separatus, two-thirds nat. size, with section nat. size.