6. iEniginosum, Fr.; Sow. t. 347; Grev. t. 241. On fallen oak-branches.
7. serotinum, Fr.; Bolt. t. 98. On sticks, etc., in watery places.
8. virgultorum, Fr. (P. fructigena. Bull.)-, Sow. t. 117. On twigs,
acorns, etc.
b. flavescens, Holmsk. t. 11. On willow.
9. lutescens, Fr. (no. 826). On pine-branches.
10. testaceiim, B. (no. 576). On decaying linen.
11. conigenum, Fr. On cones of Scotch fir.
12. phascoides, Fr. On mosses.
13. acuum, Fr. On dead fir-leaves.
Subgenus 2. C a l y o e l l a , Fr.— At first turbinate. Disc concave.
Stem firm when present.
14. tuba, Fr. ; Bolt. t. 106. /. 1. On fallen branches.
15. Buccina, Fr. On fallen pine-branches.
16. calyculus, Fr.; Sow. t. 116. On fallen branches.
17. Aspegrenii, Fr.; Sow. t. 369. f . 7. On wood.
18. citrinum, Fr. ; Sow. t. 150. On old stumps.
19. pallescens, Fr. On old stumps.
20. lenticulare, Fr. On old stumps.
21. ochraceum, B. ; Grev. t.h. On old stumps.
22. cribrosum, B. P. cribrosa, Grev. On sandy or gravelly ground.
33. claro-flavum, B. (Peziza, Grev.) On decayed wood.
24. salicellum, Fr. (no. 573). On willow.
25. versiforme, Fr. (no. 159). (Plate 2, fig. 6.) On ash-stumps.
26. subsessile, Schum. (Pez. helotioides, Fr.) (no. 573). On wood.
27. herbarum, Fr. On dead leaves.
28. epiphyllum, Fr. On dead leaves.
29. fagineum, Fr. On decayed twigs, straws, etc.
30. punctatum, Fr. ; Grev. f. 63. On dead oak-leaves,
31. Marchantife, Fr. (Peziza, B.) On fading M. hemispheerica.
Indeterminate, immarginate, agglutinate, Hymenium always
1. Babingtonii, B. (no. 554). On rotten wood.
Receptacle patellæform, margined, always open. Hymenium
even, subpersistent, but dusty from the breaking up of the asci.
Asci fixed.
1. atrata, Fr. On dead wood.
2. rhabarbarina, B. (no. 89). On dead bramble.*
3. citrina, B. and Br. (no. 583). On rose-twigs, in a running stream.
4. clavispora, B. and Br. (no. 774). On privet.
5. livida, B. and Br. (no. 775). On fallen fir-trees.
6. discolor, Mont. On fallen branches.
Excipulum almost horny, naked, pierced with a narrow,
quite entire mouth. Disc at length dusted with the sporidia.
1. turbinata, I r .; Sow. ¿.386./. 1. OnPertusaria.
Disc waxy, persistent, without any hypothecium, but covered
with a horny, coriaceous, dimidiate, superior, deciduous excipulum.
Mouth contracted.
1. sphæralis, Fr. Stictis sphæralis, Syst. Myc. On ash.
357. TYMPANIS, Tode.
Receptacle margined, cyathiform, horny. Hymenium at
first veiled, then breaking up.
* This belongs to Fries’ genus Laclinella, but as he himself is uncertain as
to its immediate affinities, I think it better to leave it in Patellaria.
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