15. sanguinea,Fr.; Gx-ev. ¿.175./. 1. On sticks, wood, Hypoxyla,eto.
16. episphæria, Fr. ; Grev. ¿. 1 7 5 ./ 3. ¿. 50. On Ilypoxyla.
17. Purtoni, Curr. (Grev. t. 50). On VaUa Ahietis.
18. ochraceo-pallida, B. and Br. (no. 607). On dead elm-branches.
19. muscivora, B. and Br. (no. 608). On mosses, which it soon destroys.
20. arenula, B. and Br. (no. 632, xvith a fig.). On Aira cæspitosa.
21. graminicola, B. and Br. (no. 897, wilh afig.). Ou Aira cæspiiosa,
32. Bloxami, B. and Br. (no. 781). On dead herbaceous stems.
23. Helminthicola, B. and Br. (no. 896). On Helminihosporia.
24. Eousseliana, Mont. (no. 898). On box-leares.
b. viridis. On box-leaves.
c. fulva (no. 182). On box-leaves.
25. umbrina, Fr. On dead bean-stalks.
301. SPHÆRIA, Hall.
Perithecia black, pierced at the apex, mostly papillate, superficial
or erumpent, without any stroma.
Series 1 . S u p e r f i c ia l e s .
1. thelena, Fr. On decayed wood.
2. aquila, Fr. (no. 180). On decayed wood and sticks.
3. Desmazierii, B. and Br. (no. 618, xvith a fig.). On the ground.
4. Dickiei, B. and Br. (no. 617, xvith a fig.). On living leaves of
Linnæa borealis.
5. tristis, Tode (no. 181, 618*). On dead sticks.
6. phæostroma, Mont. (no. 605). On dead sticks.
7. biformis, P. On decayed wood and on the ground.
8. Bacodium, P. On decayed wood.
b. Villosæ.
9. ovina, P. (Soxv. t. 219). On decayed wood.
10. cæsia, Curr. Linn. Tr. xxii. p. 316. On wood.
11. mutahilis, P. On decayed wood.
12. Brassieae, Klotzsch; Curr. I. c. with a fig. Ou dead cabbage-stalks.
13. scabra, Curr. I. c. p. 315, with a fig. On furze.
14. canescens, P. Ou decayed wood.
15. strigosa, A . and S. On decayed wood.
16. hirsnta, Fr. On decayed wood.
17. callimorpha, Mont. (no. 872). On dead bramble.
18. macrotricha, B. and Br. (no. 619, with a fig.). On dead Carex
paniculata and beech-mast.
19. Chmtomium, Cd. (no. 620, with a fig.). On dead Carex pendula.
20. Eres, B. and Br. (no. 621, with a fig.). On dead Carices.
21. exilis, A . and S. (no. 606). On pine-twigs.
22. calva, Tode. On decayed wood and branches.
23. pilosa, F. On decayed wood.
24. hispida, Forfe; Grev. t. S2. On decayed wood.
25. pellita, Fr. On dead herbaceous stems.
26. superflcialis, Curr. I. c.p. 317, wilh afig. On fir-wood.
27. capillifera, Curr. I. c. with a fig. On Corticium and subjacent wood.
28. Bombarda, Batsch. (Plate 24, fig. 5.) On decayed wood.
29. spermoides, LTo/w.; Grev. t. 6. On decayed wood.
30. papaverea, B. and Br. (no. 612, with afig). On old stumps.
31. moriformis, Grev. 1.31. (Bertia, B. iVo¿.)
32. innúmera, B. and Br. On dead wood.
33. confluens, Tode (no. 597). On dead trees, etc.
34. botryosa, Fr. On old pales.
35. stercoraria. Sow. t. 3hl. f. I. On sheep- and horse-dimg.
36. mammmformis, B. On decayed sticks, etc.
37. pomiformis, B. On dead wood.
38. sordaria, Fr. On moist pine-wood.
39. obdueens, Fr. (no. 100). On old rails.
40. pulvis-pyrius, P .; Grev. t. 152. On old wood, bark, etc.
41. rhytidodes, B. and Br. (no. 873, with afig). On ash-pollards.