287. ENDOTHIA, Rr.
Red or tawny. Perithecia irregular, pallid, cellular. Asci
1. E. gyrosa, Rr. {Sphæria fluens, Sow.); snhrotund, confluent,
orange, vermilion ; stroma yellowish ; perithecia gyrose,
pulverulent, at length slightly prominent.
On bark. New Forest.
288. XYLARIA, Schrank.
Vertical, more or less stipitate. Stroma between fleshy and
corky, covered with a black or rufous hark.
1. X. polymorpha, Grev.; snbcarnose, gregarious, turgid,
irregular, dirty-white, then black ; receptacle bearing perithecia
in every part.—Grev. t. 237.
On old stumps. Not uncommon.
2. X. digitata, Grev. ; between fleshy and corky, tufted ;
heads cylindrical, reddish-brown, then black; tips barren,
acute; stem smooth.—Bull. t. 220.
On wooden structures and stumps. Not common.
3. X. corniformis, Mont.; corky, brittle, simple, cylindrical,
curved, black, covered on all sides with perithecia ; base sub-
tuberous, villous.
On fallen branches. Rare. Lancashire.
4. X. Hypoxylon, Grev. ; corky, simple or branched, compressed,
at first pulverulent with white meal, then naked ; stem
villous. (Plate 24, fig. 4.)—Sow. t. 55.
On stumps of trees, sticks, etc. Extremely common.
5. X. carpophila, Rr. ; corky, slender, simple; head subulate,
albido-pulverulent, at length black ; stem very long, rootlike
n beech-mast. Very common.
S PHÆR IA C E I . 385
6. X. pedunculata, R r.; corky, slender, simple, springing
from a sclerotioid base ; liead ovate or subglobose; {no. 93.)—
Sow. t. 437.
On soil, mostly attached to dung. Not common.
7. X. bulbosa, B. and B r .; corky, simple or forked, brown,
then black; stem cylindrical, bulbous at the base aud spongy.
(Plate 24, fig. 2.)—Pers. Obs. ii. t. 1. flg. 1.
Amongst fir-leaves. Rare. Bath, C. E. B.
Stem shrubby or simple. Perithecia formed of the same
substance as the stem.
1. T. hippotrichioides, RArA.; branched, thread-shaped; perithecia
scattered, papillate: {no. 94.)—Sow. t. 200.
On old sacks, matting, etc. Not common.
290. PORONIA, Fr.
Between fleshy and corky. Fructifying surface margined,
orbicular. Perithecia immersed, vertical.
1. P. punctata, Fr.; stipitate, turbinate, externally blackish;
disc truncate, dotted with the black ostiola.— Grev. t.
327; Sow. t. 54.
On horse- and cow-dung. Not uncommon.
291. HYPOXYLON, Bull.
Stroma corky or brittle, convex or plane, immarginate, at
first clothed with a floccose veil, then with a black crust, distinct
from the matrix. Perithecia vertical or divergent.
a. Glohosm,
1. H. ustulatum, BmZA ; eflused, thick, undulated, rugose,
pulverulent when young, whitish, cinereous in the centre, at
2 c