Fig. 6. Badhamia.
a. cyst, with spores.
h. separate spore, to show that it is grairalatcd where (!xposed,
but smooth where covered.
c. Euerthenema olegans.
Fig. 7. a. Peronosporamfestans,withhypha, erect threads,and spores.
i. Pcrouospora curta.
Fig. 8. Gymnosporium fulvum, Berk, and Curt.
Fig. 9. a. Ascosporium deformans.
b. sporidia simulating yeast-globules.
c. A. bullatum, to show their further growth.
Fig. 10. Tympanis saligua. Asci and stylosporos on the same hyménium.
Fig. 11. Nectria inaurata.
a. clavate asci.
b. cylindrical asci.
c. sporidia from the latter.
Fig. 13. a. sporidium of Hypoxylon fuscum.
b. sporidium of Spliæria rubella.
c. sporidium of S. palustris.
d. sporidium of Valsa hapalocystis.
e. sporidium of Massaria foedans.
/ . sporidium of Sphæria macrotricha.
g. sporidium of Sphæria siparia.
Fig. 13. a. stylospores of Cenangium Fraxini.
b. spermatia of the same. The former from the base of the
pycnidium, the latter from the upper part of the walls.
c. spermatia of Peziza blandula. Tul., from the hymenium
(both after Tulasne).
d. spermatia of Valsa hypodermia.
1. Meralius lacrymans, nat. size, with a portion of the hymenium
magnified. -
2. Crucibulum vulgare, nat. size and slightly magnified, with two
of the sporangia more liigldy magnified.
3. Cyathus striatus, nat. size and slightly magnified, with two of
tlie sporangia more highly magnified.
4. Podisoma Juniperi-Sabinae, nat. size.
5. Gymnosporangium Juniperi, nat. size.
6. Tlelotium versiforme, nat. size, with a section magnified.
7. Tremella sarcoides, nat. size, with a section magnified.
8. Balanophora involucrata. Hook, f., nat. size.
1. Agaricus phalloides, and section, half nat. size.
2. A. strobiliforrnis, young, nat. size.
3. A. excelsus, and section, half nat. size.
4. A. vaginatus, and section, half nat. size.
5. A. Cecilise, and section, half nat. size,
fi. A. racliodcs, and section, half nat. size.
7. A. cristatiis, and section, nat. size.
1. A. mellcus, and section, one-tliird nat. size.
2. A. equestris, two-thirds nat. size.
S. A. imbricatus, and section, half nat. size.
4. A. sulfureus, and section, two-thirds nat. size.
5. A. gambosus, and section, half nat. size.
(i. A. albus, and section, two-thu-ds nat. size.
7. A. nudus, and section, small specimen.
1. A. personatus, and section, small specimen.
2. A. infundibuliformis, and section, small specimen.