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3. arcus, B. and Br. {no. 413*). On dead box-twigs.
4. mntabilis, B. and Br. {no. 414). On dead plane-twigs.
5. polycystis, B. and Br. {no. 415). On dead bireli-twigs.
6. oreades. Dur. and Mont.; Desm. {no. 1368). On lialf-dead oak-leaves.
7. Stephensü, B. and Br. {no. 503). On dead Pteris aquilina.
8. fihriseda, B. {no. 743). On birch planks.
109. DAELUCA, Cast.
Perithecia delicate. Spores containing a row of sporidiola,
oozing out and forming a tendril.
1. filum. Cast. On various Uredines.
3. typhoidearum, B. and Br. {no. 417). On dead leaves of Typha.
3. macropus, B. and Br. {no. 416). On dead leaves of Carices.
Perithecium thin, mouthless, generally bristly. Spores
1. dematium, Fr. On dead herbaceous stems.
3. trichella, Grev. t. 345. On dead ivy-leaves.
3. atramentaiia, B. and Br. {no. 430). On dead potato-stems.
4. circmans,i?. in Card. Chron. 1857. On skins of the white Nocera onion.
111. DISCOSIA, Lib.
Perithecium flat, opening at the base. Spores septate, obliquely
aristate at either end.
1. alnea. Lib. Sp. artocreas, Tode. On dead leaves.
112. PILIDIUM, Kze.
Perithecium scutellæform, smooth, shining, opening irregularly.
Spores curved, without any appendages.
1. acerinum, Kze. On dead syoamore-leaves.
3. cavbonaceum. Lib. {no. 442). Cenangium fuliginosum, Fr. Not,
however, a good Pilidium. On dead wiUow-twigs.
113. MELASMIA, Lèv.
Perithecium memhranaceous, dehiscent above, rather swollen,
at length depressed and rugose, growing in a thin, spotlike,
efiused receptacle. Spores minute.
1. acerina, Lèv. {no. 443). On living sycamore-leaves.
2. alnea. Lèv.; Grev. t. 1 4 6 ./. 2. On living alder-leaves.
114. PIGGOTIA, B. and Br.
Perithecia irregular, very thin, obsolete below, forming by
confluence a wrinkled mass, bursting by a lacerated fissure.
Spores rather large, ohovate, at length tomiparous.
1. astroidea, B. and Br. {no. 503). On living ehn-leaves.
115. SEPTOEIA, Fr.
Perithecia minute, more or less incorporated with the matrix.
Spores oblong and septate, or thread-shaped and continuous,
discharged in little tendrils.
* Spores septate.
1. Ulmi, ALe. ; G r e v .t.\\2 . On living elm-leaves.
3. Oxyacanthm, Kze. On living hawthorn-leaves.
3. Aceris, B. and Br. {no. 432). On living sycamore-leaves.
4. salicella, B. and Br. ino. 746). On willow-twigs.
5. jEgopodii, Desm. On living leaves of Mg. Podagraria.
6. Lepidii, Desm. {no. 431). On living leaves of Lepidimn Smithii.
7. nodorum, B. {no. 433). On joints of nearly ripe wheat-stalks.
8. Hippocastani, B. and Br.{no.i34,). On living leaves of horse-chestnut.
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