M-' M’ \ 214. POLYACTIS, Lk.
Floeei septate, brownish, branched above, Spores hyaline.
in terminal clusters.
1. vulgaris, Lk. On decayed herbs.
2. cana, B. On decayed herbs.
S.'vera,-B. On decayed herbs.
4. cinerea, B. On decayed herbs.
5. fasciculata, Cd. On decayed vegetables.
Flocci divided ahove in a fasciculate manner septate, as well
as the branchlets, which are terminated by necklaces of spores,
collected into tassel-like heads.
1. crustaceiun, Br. On all kinds of decaying substances.
2. sparsum, Grev. t. 58./. 2. On stalks of plants.
¡1. coremium, Grev. ¿.301. On fruit, gum, etc.
3. bicolor, Br. On decaying substances.
4. candidum, Lk. On various decaying substances.
5. roseum, Lk. {no. 535). On box, etc.
6. subtile, B. {no. 241,with a fig.). Inside of decayed willow.
P. fasciculatum {no. 129) is omitted as uncertain.
216. OIDIUM, Lk.
Flocci very short, producing a moniliform string of spores
by tomiparous division.
1. chartarum, Lk. {no, 130). On damp paper.
2. aureum, Lk. On dead wood, etc.
3. fulviim, Lk. On dead wood.
4. fructigenum, Schrad. On decayed fruit.
5. fasciculatum, B. On decayed oranges.
6. Pon-iginis, Mont. {no. 546). On Porrigo ,
7. favorum, B. and Br. {no. 762, with a fig.). On honeycomb.
8. ffiquivocum, B. and Br. {no. 821). On Polgporus Schweinitzii.*
9. concenti-icum, B. and Br. {no. 547). Cylindrosporium, Unger. On
nettles, ground ivy, etc.
10. abortifaciens, B. (Ergotetia, Quekett). On plants infested with Ergot.
Possibly a conidiiferous condition of Cordiceps purpurea, Sic.
217. MONILIA, Hill.
Flocci erect, jointed ; head none; bearing fasciculate necklaces
of spores at their apices.
1. fasciculata, ft/.; Grev. t. 32. On dead grass.
2. racemosa. Part; Bolt. t. 132. /. 2. Ou decaying substances.
218. DACTYLIUM, Nees.
Flocci erect, jointed, branched, bearing at the tips of the
branchlets, either scattered or in tufts, septate spores.
1. pyriferum, Fr. On decayed herbaceous stems.
2. tenellum, Fr. {no. 536). On moss.
3. maci'osporum, Fr. On dead leaves, etc.
4. sphasrocephalum, B. (no. 243, with a fig.). Ou dead ivy.
5. dendroides, Fr.; Grev. t. 126. /. 1. On Agaricini.
6. obovatum, B. {no. 242, with a fig). On willow-twigs.
7. roseum, B. Tiicothecium roseum, Fr. On decaying plants.
8. tenuissimum, B. {no. 537). On potatoes. Perhaps only a state of
Fiisariwm Solani-tuherosi.
219. FUSIDIUM, Lk.
Flocci coloured, very delicate, evanescent. Spores straight,
* I have omitted O. Tuckeri, 0 . Bahamii, 0 . erysiphoides, 0 . Leucoconium,
and 0 . monilioides, as they are all mere states of different species o f Nrisyphe.
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