i m is
r l Ur MX Mi : ■
1, amentacearum, Od. (no. 460). On willow-twigs.
2. betulinum, Gd. (no. 461). On bncb-twigs.
Spores linguæform, erect, plane, cellular. Cells subcon-
1. elegans, Cd. (no. 458). On naked oak.
150. TETEAPLOA, B. and Br.
Spores mostly quadriarticulate, grondng together in fours,
and each crowned with a jointed bristle.
1. aristata, B. and B r. (no. 457, with a fig .). On grass.
Parasitical. Spores unicellular, stellato-fasciculate, ovato-
acuminate, rough.
1. atmm, Gd. (no. 457*). Ou black moulds.
153. GYMN03P0EIUM, Cd.
Mycelium very obscure. Spores unicellular, arising apparently
from the matrix.
1. Amudinis, Cd. On reeds. The white Gymnosporia will be found
under Ascomyces.
O rd e r 15. P U O O IN IÆ L
Parasitic on living plants. Peridium none. Spores producing
on germination secondary spores.
153. XEHODOCHUS, Schlecht.
Spores multiseptate, moniliform, breaking np into many
distinct articulations.
1. carbonarius, Schlecht. (no. 133). On living burnet-leaves.
154. AEEGMA, Fr.
Spores cylindrical, multiseptate, scarcely moniliform, borne
on a long peduncle.
1. bulbosum, Fr. Ou bramble-leaves.*
2. gracile, B . Puccinia gracilis, Grev. On raspberry-leaves.
3. mueronatum, A/'. Grev. t. 15. On rose-leaves.
4. acuminatum, Fr. On leaves of Poteriurn Sanguisorba.
5. obtusatum, Pr. Grev. t. 57. On leaves of PotentillaFragariastrum.
Spores trilocular; septa mostly vertical and horizontal.
1. Ulmariæ, Lk. On leaves and stem of Spiroea Ulmaria.
Spores uniseptate, supported on a distinct peduncle.
1. Graminis, P . On wheat, reeds, etc.
2. striola, Lk. On Carices, Junci, Allig, etc.
3. coronata, Gd. (no. 473). On grasses.
4. truncata, B . and Br. (no. 754). On Iris.foetidissima.
5. Asparagi, DC. On stems and leaves of Asparagus officinalis.
6. Polygonorum, L k . On Polygona.
7. Vaginalium, Lk. Oa Polygonum aviculare.
8. Primnlæ, Grev. On common primrose.
9. Veronicarum, DC. On Peronicæ.
10. Glechomatis, DC. On ground-ivy.
11. Menthæ, P. On mints.
12. Scorodoniæ, L k . On Teucrium Scorodonia.
* All the species o f this Order and the next are developed at first on living
plants. I t is not, therefore, thought necessary in every case to state that their
place o f growth is on living loaves, stems, etc.
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