95. anserina, P. {no. 888, with a Jig.). On wood.
** Enâophloeæ.
96. velata, P. {no. 19). On lime-twigs.
97. ciliaris, Curr. Micr. Journ. \\i.p. 231.
98. celata, Curr. MS. (S. obtecta, Curr. I. c.p. 232).
99. Xylostei, P. = S. semi-immersa, Grev. Auct. Gurr. On woodbine.
100. decedens, Fr. {no. 24). On liazel.
101. discntiens, B. On elm.
*** Endocaulæ.
102. spiculosa, P. On various herbaceous stems.
103. inquilina, Er. On dead Umhelljeroe.
104. Berkeleii, Desm. (S.Angelicæ,B.), {no. 25, witha fig.). On various
105. scirpicola, DC. On Scirpus lacustris.
106. phomatospora, B. and Br. (no. 647, with a jig). On potato-stems.
j. Ohtectæ.
* liameales.
107. lanata, Er. (no. 185). On birch.
108. siparia, B. and Br. (no. 625, with a Jig). On birch.
109. Glis, B. and Curr. (no. 884). On oak.
110. pruinosa, Er. On ash.
n i . unicaudata, B. andBr. (no. 885, witha Jig). On Clematis Vitalba.
112. vibratilis, Er. On sloe.
113. millepunctata, Grev. t. 201. On ash.
114. salicella, Er. On willow.
115. Argus, B. and Br. (no. 626, witha jig). On birch.
116. Gigaspora, Desm. ; Curr. I. c.p. 326, with a Jig. On maple.
111. Comi, Mont. (Saccothecum, Æîohî.) On cornel.
118. aucta, B. and Br. (no. 628, with a Jig). On alder.
119. bufonia, B. and Br. (no. 629, with a fig). On oak.
120. dochmia, B. and Br. (no. 630, with a fig.). On elm.
121. farcta, B. and Br. (no. 631, with a fig.). On elm.
122. trivialis, B. and Br. (no. 632, with a fig.). Ou dead twigs.
, 123. revelata, B. and Br. (no. 634, with afig). On lilac.
124. quadrinucleata, Curr. I. c.p. 325, wilh a fig. On sticks.
125. conformis, B. and Br. (no. 635, with a fig). On alder.
126. Eubi, Curr. I. c. with a fig. On bramble.
127. fuscella, B. and Br.(no. 636, with afig). On rose.
128. sepincola, Fr. (no. 636, with a fig). On various plants.
129. persistens, B. and Br. (no. 637, wilh a fig.). On rose.
130. futilis, B. and Br. (no. 638, with a fig.). On rose.
131. intermixta, B. and B. (no. 639, with a fig). On rose.
132. oblitescens, B. and Br. (no. 887, with afig). On Cornus.
133. epidermidis, Fr. (no. 186, 639*). On priverete.
134. Tamaricis, Grev. t. 45. On tamarisk.
135. ocellata, Er. On ash. (Placed doubtfully by Fries in Ilalonia.)
136. melina, B. and Br. (no. 888, with afig). On ash.
137. Ashwelliana, Curr. I. c. t. 327, with afig. On fir.
138. clypeata, Nees. Ou bramble and Epilobium.
139. appendiculosa, B. and Br. (no. 613, with afig). On bramble.
140. pusilla, Curr. MS. S. seriata, I. c. p. 329. On wood.
141. Eusci, Wallr. (no. 639*) = S. glauco-punctata, Grev. On Buscus
142. Pinastri, Er. ; Grev. t. 13. On fallen fir-leaves.
** Ilerbicoloe.
143. tomicum. Lev. (no. 633, with a fig.). On Aira
144. herpotricha, Er. On dead grass-stems.
145. tirella, F. On Spiroea Ulmaria.
146. acus, Blox. ; Curr. I. c. p. 325, with a fig. On dock.
147. lineolata. Bob. (no. 616). On Ammophila arundinacea.
148. maculans. Sow. (no. 641). On Scirpus palustris.
149. pantherina, B. (no. 23). On Pteris aquilina.
150. pardalota, Mont. (no. 99). On Convallaria multifiora.
151. ceuthosporoides, Berk. (no. 179). On laurel.