length rigid; perithecia ovate, furnished with a short neck.
(Plate 24, fig. 3.)
On rotten trunks. Common.
2. H. nummulariiim, B ull,; determinate, quite plane, externally
and internally black; perithecia immersed, ovate;
ostiola globose, slightly prominent.—Bull. t. 468./. 4.
On wood and bark. Not common.
3. H. luteum, F r .; orbicular, cup-shaped, black; disc bordered,
wrinkled ; stroma yellow, pulverulent; perithecia in
many rows, emergent; {no. 170.)
On elder. Bare.
4. H. succenturiatum, Fr.; oblongo-pnlvinate,immarginate,
even, black, greyish-brown within; perithecia ovate, scattered,
irregularly emergent: {no. 830.)
On oak-branches. Bare.
5. H. gastrinum, Fr.; ventricose, erumpent; stroma pallid;
perithecia scattered irregularly, necks included; disc nearly
plane, black: {no. 593.)—Sow. t. 374. f . 9.
On elm. Not uncommon.
• b. Pulvinatie.
6. H. concentricum, Grev.; large, subglobose, brownish,
at length black, concentrically zoned within.—Bolt. t. 180;
Sow. /. 160; Grev. t. 324.
On old ash-trees. Common.
7. H. coeeiueum. Bull.; globose, vermilion-hrown, bright
black within; perithecia ovate; ostiola at length prominent.—
Grev. t. 136; Sow. t. 374.
On beech, etc. Very common.
8. H. multiforme, F r .; irregular, at first rugose, rusty-
brown, at length naked, black, cinereous-black within; perithecia
at length prominent, papillate. (Plate 24, fig. 4.)—
Sow. t. 355; G r e v .t.\\4 .
On birch, etc. Very common. Sometimes elliptic.
9. H. marginatum, B . ; hemispherical, confluent, at length
black, of the same colour within; each ostiolum seated iu a
little margined disc : {no. 595.)—Schwein. Journ. of Ac. t. 2.
/ . 8 .
On decaying wood of British growth, in the conservatory at
10. H. cohserens, F r .; confluent, convexo-plane, at first
even, dirty-browit, then black within; perithecia at length
rather prominent, papillate.
On dead branches. Not common.
11. H. argillacenm, Fr.; subglobose, clay-coloured, brown-
black within; perithecia slightly prominent, papillate; {no.
169.)—Fr. Obs. i. t. 2. / . 5.
On dead ash-hranches. Not uncommon.
12. H. fuscum, Fr.; convex, pulvinate, purple-brown, at
length naked, black, black-brown within; ostiola umbilicate.
— Sow. t. 373. / . 9.
On hawthorn, hazel, etc. Very common.
c. Pffusx.
13. rubiginosum, Pr. On decorticated trunks, etc.
14. atro-piirpureum, Pr. On rotten wood, rare.
15. serpens, Pr.; Sow. t. ‘¿73. f. 10; 372. / 11. On dead wood.
16. coprophilum, Pr. {no. 596). On dung.
17. udum, Fr. On rotten branches.
292. DIATRYPE, Fr.
Stroma partly formed from the matrix, and not distinct
from i t ; perithecia sunk, elongated above into a distinct neck,
and frequently rostrate.
1. bullata, Fr.; Bolt. t. 122. / 1. On willow.
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