. 3. G. glutinosum, P . ; smooth, viscid, at length blackish ;
stem distinct, glutinous, even.
Grassy places. Rare. Appin, Capt. Carmichael.
4. G. glabrum, P . ; smooth, dry, at length black; stem
Grassy places. Not common.
** Stem ,
5. G. hirsutum, P . ; black, hairy. (Plate 33, fig. 3.)
Amongst grass. Common.
6. G. difforme, F r .; black, smooth, d ry ; head confluent
with the stem.
Amongst grass. Common.
251. PEZIZA, L.
Cup-shaped; cup more or less concave, soon open. Disc
naked. Asci fixed.
Series 1. A leu ria , Fr.—Fleshy, or between fleshy and membranaceous,
externally pruinose or floccoso-furfuraceous.
Mostly growing on the ground.
Suhgenus 1. Discina, Fr.—Cup always open, or connivent when
young. Veil superficial.
1. P. (Discina) acetabulum. P.; cyathiform, dingy, adorned
externally with ribs, which run up from the short lacunose
stem.—Sow. t. 59.
On the ground, in spring. Not common. Very elegant.
3. P. (Discina) venosa, P . ,- sessile, more or less twisted,
dark umber-brown, white beneath; disc coarsely wrinkled.
(Plate 33, fig. 6.)— Grev. t. 156; Huss. ii. t. 7.
On the ground, in spring. Not uncommon. A curious
form is represented in the Plate.
3. P. (Discina) badia, P. ; nearly sessile, entire, flexuous,
brown ; margin at first involute, paler, and inclining to olive,
externally pruinose. (Plate 22, fig. 4.)—Huss. ii. t. 13.
Margins of ponds, etc. Summer. Very variable in colour.
4. P. (Discina) leporina, Batsch ; somewhat stipitate, elongated
at one side, ear-shaped, subferruginous, externally
mealy ; hymenium and base mostly even.
On the ground, in woods. Not common. Sometimes cinereous
or yellowish.
5. P. (Discina) onotica, P. ; somewhat stipitate, elongated
at one side, ear-shaped, mealy externally, rose-coloured or
orange within, and at length rugose.—Sow. t. 79.
On the ground, in woods. Rare. Coed Coch. Very
6. P. (Discina) aurantia, Fr. ; nearly sessile, irregular, oblique,
orange, whitish externally and somewhat pruinose.—
Sow. t. 78 ; Huss. i. t. 37.
On the ground, in woods, generally near old stumps.
Common. Sporidia rough.
7. P. (Discina) coohleata, Huds. ; sessile, cæspitose, large,
twisted, umber, externally pruinose.—Sow. t. 5.
Amongst grass. Not common.
8. P. (Discina) suocosa, B. ; cup nearly regular, entire,
pale waxy-brown, externally white and pruinose; juice bright-
yellow : (no. 156, with fig.)
On the ground, in gardens. Northamptonshire.
9. P. (Discina) repanda, Wahl. ; large, incised, waved,
brown, and somewhat wrinkled within, whitish and mealy
without; base elongated, rooting.— Grev. t. 59.
On the ground and on stumps. Not common. Variable
in size.
10. P. (Discina) eerea. Sow.; large,infundibuliform, waved.