3. corallinum, Roberge; {no. 498). On Borrera tenella.
4. coccineum, Fr. {no. 499). ■ Ou Pertiisaria communis.
186. .®GERITA, P.
Receptacle obscure. Spores irregular, disposed in short
moniliform threads at the apices of flexuous, branched, radiating,
compacted peduncles.
1. candida, F. {no. 823, with a fig.). On iiranclies of willow, etc.
Ferióla tomentosa is simply a condition of Fusisporium
Solani. There is no peridium in Ahgerita.
Oedbk 19. DEMATIEI.
Threads free, rarely collected into stipitiform bundles, more
or less corticated and carbonized, as are frequently the simple
or septate spores.*
187. ARTHROBOTBYUM;, Cesati.
Common stem composed of jointed threads. Spores large,
radiating so as to form a little head, dark, septate.
1. atrum, B. andBr. {no. 822, with a fig.). On dead nettles.
Threads free, jointed, simple below, branched ahove.
Branches and branchlets often monilioid. Spores septate,
acrogenous, concatenated.
1. comosum, TFalr. {no. 520). On dead stems.
* In the more typical species, there is a distinct membrane, which shells o ff;
and where this does not exist, the threads arc dark and dingy, but never wliite,
or o f pure tints.
2. curtuin, B. and Br. {no. h33,with a fig.). On dead nettles.
3. laxum, B. and Br. {no. 539, with a fig.). On Inula viscosa.
4. grisemn, B. and Br. {no. 540, with a fig.). On nettle-stems, Currey.
5. fumosum, B. (Dactylium fumosum, Cd). On dead Umhelliferce.
Stem composed of fasciculate, compacted threads. Head
globose. Spores fixed to the free apices of the threads.
1. glaucocephala, Cd. {no. 495). On decaying linen.
2. oalicioides, B. Sporocybe calicioides, Fr. On dead herbaceous stems.
Flocci septate, free. Heads globose, studded with spores.
1. byssoides, LV. On dead herbaceous stems, etc.
2. uigrella, B. {no. 227, with a fig). On dead grass.
3. alternata, B. {no. 1^1*, 126, with a fig). On damp paper.
Flocci septate, free. Branches bearing short, vcrticillate
ramuli at their apices, forming a little head, and each terminated
by a spore.
1. atra, Cd. {no. 817). On damp mill-board.
2. lobulata, B. {no. 228, with a fig). On damp linen.
192. HAPLOOBAPHIUM, B. and Br.
Flocci septate, free, black. Spores concatenate, liyaline.
* I
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