--•; J P s i t t a c ü s iruMOBS-XATTrs ï ^m s î ig ï î c h e s t e b c o c k
Éé yi/^e^ Jk WKËm M Hi
of branches%Ad-‘bou!ghs' of trees. Wetrarced a branch of tlie
river on theriighf, a^iball'd'i'sta^cefrom^kefliribarith.'of thisstream»
:as fat as fetfr bbhfcffbldjgd;rwe then followed itsfeoursb on shore,
"along'the bank,'' and'foriridHiffWas iKn^by^ the greater fiver only.
•^M^'carifed usisbme'kld'sdancefdnlahd^and wef discovered; marks
of tffi-'es that habdferihrnade' byiibheinatiyesv tWdcfbupd the banks
‘tMckl^Sttlei’ed with uhderwO'od, butnf'O wards the' end- o f (this
'braspeM'i^strearn' tlfe^coundr^apbeaf^m'bdbpfeh., and to afford
pldt^vdf^drJ^fiMlj 'pasture. ^The sbddef©%-whhlefWas Jblack arid
rich^ and the yJbriMxy “level. At4 Voilfebcdrisi d or able - distance',
hbwsffgf, the land^Osbtbla KWgfotg arid%eing«bvfeffed wi*th large
1 trees, ? whieh^rf^p'dhledf' to h a v e |^ ® shriffeeEeM“4 by storms, had
fdr' thfs' frefebh;- obdamed'^10'?mamri4©fi' Mou^fe ESrg^fed.n J We
rifarahed prfetty far inland^ndtfriund thesGoimtry everywhere
free ft dm inundations, interspersed withwdods.'and open plainsj
an d&e^MbMri5^a^ 'we^ r^ i’ei|ffesqrfei;rilp>|)eaIance; The. .day yva£
^efriSri^&l^ dn%$and pleasant, butijiri the" wfbods? the a ir’whs-very
ei^^aiVd^drSagB^bly5sultry. ’'M y p e o p l e , h a d ^ S r h M l
.bfeek^sriak-eWhich they Kadrfound'in the meadows, anhvwh'ish
riheiwarm th ' oft tharwea thee had invitedv from - itsire treat. The
^ o a e hmd ' s n a k e ^ 'P ^mmo n about .Sydney,J and th e re a t is
thokgM do be venemo-usf. th^hgh from the ■flat-nd^sr'dfits head 1
shohid'iridhfbe inclined t© ’ thinkllpSIifThisv-was-; abouf eighteen
‘inchesfin dength, 'thebellyhaving[ahcast\d£jdhtyiihd,|f|fe.back
||M r
W'hs'awmb’ kangaroos du^irisg <®ur progress^ inlapc^l We pursued
“biff <C©tirse up the river'as Tar? asfbur boat; nrid ihlbre^proceeded,
and -Mr. Barreillier- .completed hiir'sur'vriy'tb; the'same
distance A t low water we fekrid itip^P^ptly^vye^^-ndgobd,
andbaecordingly fHled'mrit^asks, hafin^^rbught them avilthus
■for tKappurposd. " -The banhk'bf this riyer .&tb|fufficient:}y, high
to keej^it within bounds iri the highest i^de^ ,;Thefsrdes 'of the