was composed {(two^£|my own ,menvexcepted,|^f. cqnr
ditionally emancipa|;e<i.;rjand ^ | i . -security, fo,nr, private^ qf.,1$ie
-Spew ipdptti; Walj^^orpis were senton board. These men might
be useful both pip|ppafd, .and when we landed in the ;poume of
our voyage^ef^di^sp^p^l^^p^lgn jF rancis3aifillie£-,of the sam|§
Corps, and, vw,hp was nominated surveyor to th e e ^ ed itio n , and
^ |h Ca_^ey,.,asbotanistjnalso.a’eqpnqpanied me.; Thpslast-ipeaM
tioned Gentleman had,, been sent out by .Sir. Jp ^ p h Banks for
the ex-preSs purposeidfoblfecti n g pi an tsfc ic
.^jBefore' I proceed farther in my. relational must bp -indul^^d
in remarking, that, although the Lady Nelson had performed a
voyage from England,tp,the.Papeiof Good Hope^at a boisterous
.seasotf. of* thepyear, jand had sailed from thenoe, t$ N&w}
South Wales, in unknown’ seas, and higti sou^ejn la tilp d l^ j e t
doubts and hintswOrlfthrown out that y e&sel J
and wag? unfit tfeuj;tlf(^serviee,s^e)^vas g o i n g W h a t i rgqfe
dered this the more unpleasing.to me was, that,it eai%ejf®&gjSia;
quarter,iwtenog suqip?l^e stumbling-blocks loughfnpfj^pjhave.
in Ji Wharth’^ y ^ ^ d ^ a S '
capable o f performing is since fully .ascertained, and that'to the
entife? conviction of all, unbelievers*-! | -f\ f
lySjtmfe that the winter reason of that climate-
proaphijpg.; and .therefore, instead of exploring tp';rt|;e|south~
ward We ought-to have gene to , the northward, by whichpaeans
we «sh^uMtfffid many-tempestuous gales^&c. t'We|might also
by .that ;means have -ascertained if the Gulf; pf, Carpentaria had
apy inlet to Bass’s; jS tracts;: and-,have by.dis'^pypiySecured'fnore
quickly to Great Britain.-the* right of lands, which some of our
enterprising neighbours may- probably- dispute with tSsft j And
this,-I.trust,5will not be thought chimerical, when it'was not
known whether other Straits did not exist, as well- as that .dividing
New Holland, fro rf^ a n Diepiaris Land. All which has
fallen 1 the1' lP^ofilM^fMives#|£0toirs,f^d'1l!if4&i pmbable Captain
'The bri|r inMf 1 itfiJPbfJ Ca^cai'mSeKhP'k^’whb 'Whs;the cadse‘of
the h a ^ ^ d ^ w ’^fddfbll the
territbTsyb$# iSWil-fh -W-alt^ > an d # ^ e ip ’l'ble Far 'bfeyond’ its
W^fhfSPilf^petentrib ift All that-F^lMp^af was makihg an
‘df thfe Coast-,' andHa^ftfgWa own- -a^ b^curhtel'y as 1
tfbtiMf'r^rith a Jdumal'd^^lbGdcu^renee^^PSMfal BistOij^Soif.;
with '!shbb-Itflmarks and 1 Gbservaribhs^hs' I mSghtbbfe able^to
■ -lapgjpel ddhetf^bMb1peltlf^3lfeadeff^sif#|!b?. ib%}
Sd^'tbat^all Whddiabe sidcdSM^Metb the GWd$t%ithi if ®e?<St'rai t,
’Ma^^B^theffWbws transmitted: home-sub4tdh>tiatedthefannexecl
Sketch, ta le h in 5a siiiffle$ jjasfe^#'#ikt.
"S itua ted Us I wdS“inHhb>-p^eserit<fiiistah^,f?I 'could hot throw
ariy-difficuMe^n’the WdyV'%ut‘‘rather> thought it'incumbenton
P M I M thes'7ydStelWhs8'®t for* aHy'kind^bPSerf^ef1 andper-
many5 ddva#@ei%Mtra:ry doubt’s and opitttbris7
ifikmlWch that thte ^oh W -“an 'Offiefer of- the '«New S buth
Corps; wfipl^afs lntendtedrfbfThtes Sea; Setwee’ anti- to be1 hMi$r:
mj^^arfepwds persuaded?motto'embaTk tMs-trip, bu#to-Wait till
it w-as found-out what Fife vdssel'would tfoi Ho^wevdf,*Ahe-peiM
: ■wfio- 5^^#the-dd'rid^ii®ihgincc dfarisiMltfed f b iih g lan d 1 a;
most favburUble-'reipoFt; 'of -her! ®S
t-’Gnv>Friday-, the 6th- o f ;Marehf'Wfe'i'd,rdfqib<i^out of Sydney
Cove with a lig h t a ir'a t Sc- and camefto •between^Garden and*
Clarke's® Ifti an ds, 'in.-. cOmp'any- with thb^Bee^S'lbbp, or rathfeV
deoked-bbat of "l4-or 1# Boris'burthen.1 This slobp'br boat was"
fitted up by order of Governor King*' toy'a£bbmpany me and-lbe
under-my .epnamand. I anticipatedlmjdc|b7asSi^tatfce from such
a veSsblif she was found equal to^stand the sca^. Odd 'as-it m ay,
appear,, tne Bee was originally a ship's launch* and raised upon;