<A N ACC o n NX
O RI G i f t O F S L I D I N G RE E LS,
H 4A^D{!'f;BBl1 |
T h E gfeSt^-utility • o f Vessel^ - cons trfp ©ted ,with- Sliding-* Keels,
the Lady? Nelson,U
tons :b'uflffeS:^s¥rit ah »a tFnyagferof ^Elispo'jwe%j;„!to^tew3 South4
Wyfe^/?as’‘will a p p la r fb y the -Narrative - bontain'edr ini folio wiiig'
siffe^t!% I^^M'ifuducedJ t^ b e lie ^w liw sib r^ h©edant- • ofithd
-rltfe^ ipib|;res«y' and.- pre sent stipb|®f hhe: mv ©ntion ?itself); vipll’jndt
fail to- gi-ve%atfefalpiiJ@jk tp my- Readers, .many f^frwhomy thotfg h
ro f the- hautical profession,? may not be .thoroughly acquainted
with thelr ’e'OuStrud'tion and usd.* i l
T'hd 'Slidih'g^^del^ '©f ^wbiohtvthe. annexed Plate .will give, a
clearer and more-perfect idea than’d an b e ^onveyedyfey words; is
an improvement in ship-buftdifig^JfepvfBieh this -€ohntryj | ^ and
alt maritime' Europe will hereafter jj^feaiblybbe^) indebtedfto
the ‘skill;and inge'nuity-of Captain JohmS©hanky ofrfhei Royal
Navy», .formerly ?one Of^ the*-Commissioners oh the Transport
Board. I *Tnis Gentleman,-during the American War,?gdve?evi-
dent'proofe of his taledtjfor invention- andiesouroe on the Lakes
that. Continent, and any yat^mptriop* myepart s ^w fite hft
eulogy would be* superflufems.: ■ suffice it; tb^'S^yy- that he' has al-
H " " \ ' *1 * "’'ways