{ 18® )
skoi't voyage we made together, demand the tribute of my acknowledgement
and thanks.
We were now growing short of provisions, and no vessel arriving
from Sydney, we set about, making preparations for our
return thither. There was now a small establishment made for
the colliers: I had built them a convenient hut to shelter them}
I left them a boat and seine, with what provisions I was able to
spare, besides arms, ammunition and tools. We took our departure
for Sydney on the 22d of Ju ly ,1801, and arrived there
on the 25th fallowing, having met with nothing worth recording
during this passage of three days.
I now proceed to lay before nay readers such cursory observa-
tions. as I have been able to make with respect to this flourishing
Colony, and its aboriginal Inhabitants.
Kew South Wales is now known to bo separated from Van
Dieman s band by a Strait, as has been fully ascertained in th e
Voyage related in the foregoing sheets, the Lady Nelson being
the first vessel that eve* entered these Straits from Europe, and
passed through them to Port Jackson.
New Holland, which comprehends NewSOnth Wafes, is an
island of very large extent, ly in g between m and* 39 degrees,
nearly, of southern latitude. From its vast extent its climafe is
various* and future settlers will be able to make their choice. It
may be presumed capable of producing whatever is raised in th e
same degrees efinorthern latitude, which will include silk* wield
oil, fruits, grain, &e. I t has a number of safe and capacious
harbours. The horned cattle which had strayed into the woods
are now greatly multiplied; and matter of regret that swine
have not strayed in the same manner, as it is probable, from the
prolific nature of that animal, the breed of wild hogs would by
this time have been considerable. Sheep are found to smeeeed
well; and the specimens o f yarn spun from then: weed, and
t m )
brought over here, have beèn much approved of.. The breed
horse's is gfeod^and the encrease of that useful animal is
great. Materials prdpef for the purposes of dyeing are plentiful,
and fustick' is now* cut in Hunter’s River. Iron is found in
the neighbourhood of Sydney, and'in other parts. The salutary
effects of the air d f New South Wales is perceptible in that part
Of the dwellefs brought'over in banishment,; these are observed
tö become, in a- short time, stout dnd healthy, and their offspring
vigorous and promising.. The small-pbx, that dreadful
SeéU^ë of the'human race, whichhas proved‘ sd fatal aith e Cape
óf Good Hope, and othef Settlements, has been hitherto unknown
in New" South Wales, for which reason inoculation has
rtdver Been practised here: when vaccination is introduced, it
will effectually remove all apprehensions of thedisease in future^
I have-mentioned marks like those remaining ;after thesmall-
pbx havebeerr observed' upon ^soihe of the natives ; and it is
certain they are subject'to a disorder which has- "thö'ïike symptoms.
iH is,yröorevèr, remarkable that this disorderriadmown
amongsttefehl "by"it^ different ’ndnas^from th a t tfieygive td a ll
Other eruptions on the ski#.' "One of the natives was taken into
the Hospital with tins disease npon him,! Which; though not
caught fey any European, infected an AMcan negroe 'who dicd
OF it.
In speaking of the New Hollanders, I should be under the
necessity of gleaning aftdr Golonek (Hollins# as that ©eatletnan
ha's given thé fullest and most accurate account of their manners
and customs; I shall therefore confine my observations on
'these nativesV as far as th|v* agree in their habits and manners
with other S&vdgé N atións.
The native of New Holland is found in the genome state of
nature L he goes perfectly naked -rfi winter as well as sommef.
I lis wards, being those o f all th© animal creation are easily
ri sup