t p i %•
'this fish,; which escaped fTonbth© seine, I am inclined- ,tc?, think
there -is ■ greatf plenty, in thii^rivprv, a
- On the; 28th of June we.proceeded further up the ,river, and
moored in one'"of the branches about* six miles.|<b?ó|n‘the ji|pg
trance, wherel we, lay ,securely sheltered, from, every wind that
could blow. • During this time, Mr. Tlarreillier was. employed
on his survey. ; Colonel Patersqnj Dr. Hanis, and ^rd.h^^in»*
an ingenious .drajaghtsman-of subjects o f;natural history, who
had joined me onr th e? d eparture'off !|h e Fran^pyspbppnerwent,
with a party up. the-river#*?several mije^gkcrexamine its fpourse^
and inspect the,.country* Ijfound the, woods ,her^jtoraj30ünd
with ^.egsf affording a light timber, .and* great q uantities of-thfi
cal>bagd>tr^e, some ^of. whiohriast I felled:;to try, the e a ta b ^
quality of i|.4j I foundfhk^vegetable^ better in its. natural>-.stat.^
fresh Put .than when boiled,- it appearing te- nferfhat Atï wak-ren-
d eyed, unpalatable,.by .cooking*
On the 4th of July the launch-returned, dispatehed-yat-h a
letter Trom Colonel PaterSon, dated trom^Schank s Forogf,^Pasture
Plains, the name-fie bad given to:thp,Spobiw^<^r?he hadf
then , made his quarters, ?at the distance^f fbrty rïulesjfrom yhe
vessel..' On the- 7thl>iet; off to join him, with a nebess'dry supply
Ipf provisions' ; hl^flfWpanied by ?Mr: Barreillierr The da&
wëjsetiOutjOn proved to.be very wet, .so that when we jptchéfl
pur tents at hdglff,;wê found the greatest.difficulty in fighting a.
fire.' -As soOnas it was day-light we proceeded on our passage,
up the river, .and found the country on -both, sides - for .fhe most-
part level andjswampy near ttye ,-river, but with distant vieys
which were,>dglightfully pleasant. The river made at-yery^se^-.
pentine, course, and fpF many miles up appeyarqd to pea s broad
as the Thames^aCKingston. From the- marks left* on the - trees
it should, seem;* that it is subject fo be greatly .overflowed ,at
times, the cedar (or rather* the mahogany of 'Nëw Holland-)
growing? Uear fh e ' river;?!appeared- to« haye.* been immersefem-
wateMi the height ijf>f f 4<ftofri:4Qt feetlfe11 amrihelioeti. do think
that the'sfe' mustprooêédifroth,fakels imtho vicinity offhe
mountains'-wihe; banks, though' high^i^ffiaFtïytpia’öes^&Ë^èdnsi^
derablë' distance^ having1 thé-a|ïpd'aï'an:ce^d#iib ^@ ó'Vëiffiowedv ji
0 ii o u t way Up we landed-kti a smalKCrëek, 'which wè traced
for ate"ohsidér'abld'tiist’a*nce, üdmi’üg tef a grddU'Élfidscënl^eóvtered
with th'ermost luxuriant grass* -Towards the-land thërèwas an
è‘xtènsivA;^lê^fFOnf"tbis»l height, of d? fines ©hanspain country
sufficiently sècure the* inuödationSi^ff the- river. This
spot Ï- think Worthy of notidd, as. itmu|?hfe be' made'a^ePnvenient
settlement*- u I named the. eminence Mount‘.Hgërtoiïj after a
êédt :b#ldngingrici the Duke of HridgewaterptheiÈtliving,,|b^thö-
§amë? namêi'' I n . the- everang we > found, by'thef s&Adi'of 'Thc
bugle-horn, that we had reached the neighbourhood of the Coi
loners :lGèdd-quartefSi* We answered the weleojate«s.ignal’-with
t-Hë^Samé' instrument from our boat, andvbmireri't Wa& -‘quite
dark wevj oinpd tbemVt
v» The'Coforiel had ërectëd A -comfortable - hut, hnd had- been
luccëssfuHn killing a number of hew1 and beautiful bifdê. -Thé
eédar. grew- heré in great-.plenty, and to a. very large ri'zëVt'Mr*
PalmeifSfiparty had saWed many fine ptónks( from?lÉ'èsevteee&J
CofcnelPaterson, Dr. Harrisl Mr. Barreillier,, andfMystelf^ penetrated
to the.distancfelof thirty miles-furthér up,the river,i in
théi course Of which we tnetfyith many rapids, «which obliged
usto-'get but and drag the boatsinp* We-: had. hitherto sëëa
nonè^of the natives* but discovered places.where 'they.had been,
feyvtiae marks of their fires. < We-nb'w descrieAlsciiinejof them at
a distance, who fled : on Our appmach«?- Wé;i-eatue/fo a -spot
which, they had just quitted^yand observed marks, of-chib
'drens -feed| The; ground was covered withrthet'shells-of fresh
Water fish, !of the sort found in the rivers of England and JSeoti
v land,