( x ü )
written on the subject by mathematicians of different nations, no
method will eve-riBe discovered to 'ascertain a true measurement
offvessels until they • shall-be: built more- alike, rlff'hastbeen' observed
that}some.-vessels of the-same measurement woufct not
take in near the!quantity: they measured, whilst others, took in'
m<Étè than th^P^aand, moreover, carried it with ease.. But if
iéWfctsharp-built could be~ brought, toehold their measurement
they would notribe •, able to gcarry rit; owing; ’ id ytheir sharpnesS
forward, whiohi would cause-the» j to pitch and.-ship water,
rights ^difference's constantly to be observed as proceeding from
the vessel’s construction. Sharp vessels go dowhi scrifast, that
by the time they; comeite thei r bearings they :are full^an#ftë-
tpsentlymot near loaded; whereas'those óf flat and£itiÉj|gdlcföSb’
go down slowly, and havingrihe quantity according to what they
Piiyasure, have'istill.-room-'for more, and.are high out-of th e
water. The improvements^rtherefore, which remainio^te^mhdte'
in ship-building, must h e tried on a lonpaéd' flat- floors -ahdFëy
imprpvenoents herein, there is a promise! oh every advantage that
can be^derived fromxthe use4 bftshipping: -jO'n‘th^plan-;ohl'©Mg
and flat'floors every rthing-.ean be obtained^ eiéeptiwórhifi^%ó
windward;g and if,Sliding Keels answer .the.nxpectaticmihoped
from them in that respect, the point is gained, and vëssel^will
in genera^ hold more than they can carry.; Whereas aft';pïësefif
.the: contrary, is the, case with sharp-b uil tlvésSfefe:
That vessels thus xonstructediwill draw, less -/"water- is*; demonstrable,
from, the largest vessel in- the world to the Indian canoe.
The collier;? the.coalilighter,. corn barge, .bean, codv-all afford
proofs, that the flatter a vessel; a#'theses® water she draws;
because the more space a Jjody .hovers on the --surface off the
-water the. less; it will sink in it,
H Vessels (..constructed in the manner hereindéscribed will
be more easy at an anchor,, by the same' reason dhat-they sail
faster, ‘
|( . xiiff )
faster, carry more;!and draw jess water;. In proof of this assetv
tiomthe samerinstanbes may, be adduced.- The. north country
gj^ippro^K^ad Dutch fislaingi^r^ssgls,vride, at an anchor when no
pfcbft-R^cssels can; anw^lsri^Qause they,have long floors, are
ful'Wprejahd;aft,, rige^and'fall, qa^en.thatrisi to:say,. do not pitch
off pli^g^so.:ytiol4b’riy *as^1shm;p-buil%^e,ss(els^l(but, hay^e a;rolling'
motion-.when at anchor^fhgrc^^fea^^^^ens. their pitching and
-piungin^P In consequence* th^y dp ab f strain,, thql, cables: or
an.ehpjk|||t^theihull, .go much asjy^siis^buiit.pn- a sharp conr
l^ipcgipn. Iwjjya great ad vantage, ./in , navigation to be, .able ,to
fidea-'ia?t$a®^hori safely hj ^py^gps(.may,,be undertaken with such
sdoufrity, that durst not. be s attemptedvimvp^ei^ fh.at do not ride
anc|ior. -iDnaiof ithe reasons why Captain .Cook ,gave?a
psefifEega<|p to.MSF^srth country,^ojtUer^for;-his voyage^pf circum-
paVigafeiphi was, that they mope nearly iposaessed pllfhese quali-
, tipgimqw mentioned^ d y
-4. fflessels|®Qnstructed in , this; manner-;will take th e ground
betted, ! andl sit.iupright* and! easier! than others.. i Flat-floored
^ c ^ b f f s t havingia<rank keel, when: i gsround^sit; sol that
everyppnttipf theirdbAripriia^qm the.-forming Pjfj the entrance
forwardtloffhte nhn^abaft,. bear, equally ton it pjfihppefore,^unless
theygroundfeej.as perpendicular as;their sides, littlpdangertcan
bbiapprehendied. Iff the sajndi.fo/t'topk »be th^fength'pf the ship’s
,fep^mtts®r.W'hat©yer-.leng.th a&h@; .i^p^arlyis^effl; or flat,,spjnuch
^%tsh@ ^easel’s bottom will- rest on;the.>grpund,i and she will cer-
tainly n o tb e strained|M-q#uqhva;s i f only. a | small parttpf ,the
middle Mithe. yessdkt©uched--;,,whi9h;;mnst be |themasewith a
•sh’^’rp-|)uilfy^|oI.> They who, h'aye sp0n,v.e|^;l§j takejthe ground
must have.observed, thatjsharp-bujltfV^i^S? ($n which number
may »-fee- iincin<te4t ^ e- tsfejls-cf war of all nations, -the; Dutch, excepted)
‘the rins.ta;nt,thipyftdoj.so, ;hej|h in (proportion* as the .water
leaves«.them. fe;Sujlpo^aig a.frii^|^.in' this situation,, when.-the
iBHWBHb raffiS . -water