pear entering a wrong plaQepbeing deeeiv'ed by t&e'appea^arice
ofohh island,* Hunter’s, or Goal 'River,' having; one at its en?-
trance; and as We had passed a-place called .Reid’s Mistake
(which lays to the nor A ward o f Broken Bay, and having an
island before it, had deceived a man of that name for the enr-
trance of Hunter’s River), I thought this man, officially sent as
a pilot,might be right. I had taken an observation, and did not
find, the latitade. agree with- that, given me for Hnhter%- RiVer,
but our. pilot supposed himself there,, and was not convinced of
his error till, we got within half a mile of the island. As we were
in 1? fathoms water, and the weather Was fair, I got my boat
out, and Hr. H arps went on shore to reconnoitre the place. In
the meantime I brought up with the kedge, -and set my people
tp fishing, who canght a number of snappers andother fish. Oh
Hr. Hanias return^ he brought with him a native v#ho, on &&&-:
ing. the boat had run down to it, crying out several times, JFAa/e
*Boat! and Mudget-ie T)tck1 or Good Z)ic&,—a name we supposed
had been given him, by the people Sent in search of thosewhb
ran away with th e Norfolk, as before mentioned. Hhisman had
some fish with him, which he threw into the boat first, and then
jumped into it himself, withoutthe least hesitation.
Which Dr. Harris made on board was, that not die least appear^
ance of any river was to be discerned; but the. sea broke very
heavily in an inlet behind the island.
Our new acquaintance Dick, as soon as he got on hoard, continued
his cries o f Whale Moat t and in order to discover what
he meant by them, I introduced him to Bangaree, with direct
tionsto the latter to question him on the subject. Bangaree
pointed to him to sit down, which, I have observed before, irn-
- -*-$he Hate shews the entrance of the River, with the Lady Nelson1 and the Frances
„schooner going up it.