cfpubt the general keen state of their appetites may he a power-
fill inceptive at the tiipe they desire i t ; and it is not iniprohft-
Ms of those he met with, being hungry,, and encouraged
hy his helpless appearance, ipighi eftdeavoqr to terrify
him with the spear, The gun he had in his hand, he believed,
prevented them fronr-pptting their threats in execution,
After experiencingjpuch difficulty % getting this unfortunate
wretch along, we soon discovered ofur boat by the help of a
bugle-horn, two of which I had brought from Eflglftqd with. me..
These instruments are of the utmost service to eH who have to
travel %ough pathless woods, where the sight is intercepted,
as they can always be used when ft musket cannot. I f they are
made of different, siaes, or- of metal and horn, the sound will
varY so much as to make it easily known which party they be-,
long t o : besides, ammunition wilf be sftved by their use, which is
often o f the utmost importance. I f made of a large size they will
serve to carry water in occasionally • and this is often a very acceptable
service in, woods at a distance from a riyer, In short,
in all business of discoviwy, these and a few watchmens’ rattles,,
(some of which 1 also had with ine,) will be found very useful.
1 haft agreed to meet the boat at a certain part of Pittwater, b u t
as neither my mate nor I had eyer seen it, and our guides being
little acquainted with the spot, I had recourse to the bugle. I
was answered from the boat with the same instrument about a
mile and an half distance from us. I hope this will fully illus-r.
träte the superior usefulness of the buglerhom in respect to the
musket (a signal which might have misled us as being used on
other occasions); besides which the former, not only from the
sound itself, but from thé leng continuance of it, has. the best
chance, of being heard. My officer had made very diligent
search for the boat taken from Garden Island, but without success.
The poor runaway Convict was put into the boat, and'
plied with food,- which from the raétnnér he began tó devöiif it,
I was? obliged to give him véry sparingly.1 Thé boat party had
suffered much froth the raiii during the night,‘ as wèll as from the
hefevy Sëü thé ƒ wèré exposed tó iii*théfr'f?aSsag'é. We kindled
a fire oh the bank- iof the river, inhere We breakfasted. Pittwatéf
is véfy Mdadat this pfe^é, dividing itsëlf intó sévëraï branchés,
whiëtt ifiadé a strict search for' thé !bbdt: vèry troublesMféi I
órdétèd the mate up to- a small'inland, namëd Muilet Island,
(përhkpf ’frbhï thégfëftï p lé iitf m ÏMK bf that ftaine in il^Vfei-
giving him orders to- examine thé shofë caréfhïïy ón each
sidéf and make éhquiry óf the naffives or settlers that he might
sheet With. I concluded Éüny farther Search after this wöuld bê^
unnecessary, as abóVe thé island the boat wèrrld Be discovered?
and secured.- Ensign BareilBèr preferred’walking bftefe with
ihe and my p a rty ,, We made an excifrsfen tb the tóp óf P u twater,
Which ètidklii a' niud flftf ó f éMÉdérable extent. In rtlfe
CöfrfSé’ó f öhrwalkwè Werd ftiftek afthóyed? By ft sftiail ftqhatiö'
plant of a conical form growing Kr clusters, With sharp poiiifW
peeping through the! ‘ mud. These, and innumerable sïftatf
c^tér-shéllk, washed from their native’ beds by thé’ tidfe', fa-
tsffréd ahfl painéd fife ifr an ufteómtnón dêgtèév*' Thé ÊtefoftP
mentioned plftftt, froth its msigftificant aUpteafahce^V^efeW’tb~
havé beeft Bufmtlë nótfeëdf. I t hardly e f e f exceeds'five itichèsf
ift-feftgfch, aiid its thickness diflérë according to itk" age; Seldórii
éiéeeding, that of a’ mask's finger. ItPis* of a palé yêïïfcw cólour
ón thé tóp, very hard and fapferihg to’ ft point: the* nearest iéfr\
seimblftfiefeht hhs to any plant I knówy is the asparagüS’wheh‘
peeping through thé èarth. After Searching the banks of thé
river withóut. SüééëSs', wé próeëëdéd onTótfr rétürn* to Sydney';'
to which we were the rather ihducêd from the sihall supply óf
provisions, particularly óf bréèid, WhicfrWé bad pföóüfed' froni
the boftt. We were alsö in hó^ès Óf agaift-seëihgHhé riafrVéèi^ë7