I m. )
On the 29.th Ijsgnt the^first. mate with instructions relative ,to
ascertain ingceif,ain particulars the;. eotraagg pf the
port,-, and .with regard to-. Seal Islands^|m*whieh la^hhe.wa^^ if
possible, to .land. likewi$p,in ordered proceed
further,in his^suxy’ey;.-:. Sioojfc after {heir, dpparturo.dhe;Weather
proved- boisterous,,and hlew, strong; thejp^ef-e' -thesei$jr
prevented landiitg^pn,-tl-j^ islands'. dfhey brought the7boat,tjOian
anchor off a sandy beaeh^which-.. appparedj.to - hay e, n o ; smf,
when ih e y ^ e rq suddenly^ surprized- with a . heavy^swelling-sspa,
which being immediately doih>W§d b-y^hplhghof-the. sa d ^ y h e
boat filled and wasuigse^qn thed>qadh. ,I’ortunatel§fpqlives
. yKem lqst, -thqjqgh a^hj^ y euimmersed in., the-waterr from which
Euranabie fwho was- af/fhe party)/firs,t escaped tc^s^rq. However,;
the,- provisions and. ammunition w.hich.theyvjhad^ proy-ided
themselves, with^grp'lost oj spoiled. rAit th e tj^^pf^jthe. tide
they.launcherh{he^boat;and returned on board..,; ƒ
Jj I^h^ve had occasion; to;rejoafkvnot, .onljihere^but, in Simpnis
Bay at th e Cape-ofiGp^l Hope,1 andin otheriplaces, .that-;the
seshhas .appeared perfectly;calni;alongishoreifor the .spacesof
ha}f ajpable’sfleng^r.from{ the h^oh^when it.would g e t up and
break .with much force, then-be, still again., for - ten. miirutfeSkoiraa
qiU^rtejpf a.nth^^F»^and r i seja^nid iprthe^anj^rrnannerv;
«(Y-S'Ot withstanding this unforeseen- and , f t i
G.entlemen bad saved: from the wreck, ;ad>laek swan and ,dbur
ducjks, whiehyhey shot on their passage) out, , and dhisraffqrded
them.and u]sj (who:were,on board, the cpnsolatiop., of £a*j§aypdry:
,On the-31'st, I went up the d fed ry ^ te r -riyer^- accompanied
by Mr. Barreillier. -^At,night- we ,£ncampedjpn its baiyk-s, jwhen
there came on aq,exceeding heavy jstorm of rain, with thunder,
lightning, and highfwind,;biby:'which tvc were^dhbroughly
drenched, before we could raise a temporary shelter by means