the town (the ©tily place »tbPyHgetiWater from in thé dry Season,}
which pould be cut off. ’
The seasons are divided into wet and dry, like all other places
between'the tropics. At this tiinetlfe, ground; was parched up*
exhibiting a barren waste, scattered with pumice »stones and
other volcanic matter. What had thp>ppearancejo:fvgrBsAvaS
dry and dirty. Vegetation there »was none; Nevertheless thé
inhabitants seemed to enjoy the Jew cflmforts with apparent
happiness. .: *;
I t has been beforSe*Remarked, that-the -tradh wind, had caused
several of our, spare masts, and spars to dsplitf and th a t I f e d
■payed them with turpentine^ ?yet this mode did mo't,fehtirely
prevent it.?-‘-I observed that some which were pairiteSoegfedped
with very little damageL^ ;
On the- 14th; all hands were., employed injlfog^water, »and
refitting. Several places where/the vessel leaked werejound
out and caulked. dAt this time I discovered that thej'eeds'pf
disaffection ‘had-ifeëetf industriously r sown by iny ’secojridï &iatë
amongst the crew; insomuch, tha t one half ►of the, 'men would
not dpeak to the.other. . To remedy this,.- I ' délivQEedrtheoffeii-
der to the Governqp'to be put on board.t$es -first British: vessel
that arrived*]« In such a small vessel as mine, anddemployeddn
a business which required unanimity and good'humour, thé only
Step was to.ght'rid of such a man. ^’He had, however^- gained
his point with some'of the younger part of the crewjfof on'the
night p f the 2Sd;-ftwo lads set off withioneidf m-y-bqats.; and although
it was much less than a Thames^skiff, and .'the? weather
rainy with thund-er and lightening, they p u t'to sea!with an
hammock for a sail, !takingwith<them:s.óme:Mscuit, water!, .and
a .tomahawk. As soon as I was'informed of it, ■ I went oh shore
to take the nèGessary,stepsrto''recover theiru To effect thisdjke
Governor shewed much attention, by- sending out parties of
pien in every direction. He observed,» th a t in such a time they
would#le dïsébJeré'd dfifthèyjad landed on the island ; and the
beat would-'facilitate that, as they $j|uidvnpitfearry it with them.
iBWâs more co'licerne^for of it-than the men. 'Thtffofe
lowing. d-aÿJJthelculprits w4fe|b,iiÔught ihtoftown, b j a pàrty'^f
th é natiyés, both, riding on que^s^/which h ad a more ignominious,
effect than any punishment Iqcould inflict, theybeing exposed
-to the, ridicule!pf-- the inhabitants j' and the Portuguese
s e a i h e f e belonging-4®,f^sSels themtherd.5 *• Whén t j i p y arrivêd-1
was informed1 q£ dfc,-and-tbaMhe boat w a s-s# ' abùutgéven miles
floniv thsSbVtess"®!,*|from- whence lis e n t'for it.-s Having-» used >the
•m©ans4o*prevent -the Mkb^desertion ipjuture^fegdtbdfc With the
principal beiri'g-rdrfoyjfed, I found a totalehafe|;e amongst? p'erff
whdîblcame more, united, livfegf feifudly-and happtîy^tpgetherv
During, ipy gtay ;at4j?lh Jagd I made?.several id^Gursipns^intO
the interior, which dddnot materiallÿJthffej^from tlp^ipy;d|ty/pf
Ports Pr&ÿa. From the. quantity^p^yolca^iô/ m»tfer.'.^jewed
ovSÉ&fehe ground^ and^peake^ form ffmliiHaO’untainff^ ffiereds
hvëryèreas-dn £o, suppose that it? has. bdem subpbtetp é i^ ^ p n è . ]
There ar¬ many'birds on,t the, island»; andrpf,these;>oply>,a
few* varieties.' What I saw were, chiefly* bustards,, some. Pfèthj|
vulture] kind,, a., speoifes of small hawk, kid g J'shdrs*,^Guinea
birds) and domestic fowls. I tpwefledi‘abWà%e^y.ndlêsdn-
landréÉte-daydoiproeiirêtson^e^®kiinea^f®^^,»ând although ylf
saw«. several - Order forget-near wÿhïch we, on, our
hands and kn,ëfeI^ÿet-4hey-Were. s^phnning ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^K ^ not to
permit uswto get nearer to--them •than:withip$^cpuple ofe gun-shots.
- Like grouse »they -plant/ an advastqetij eept-inel, who-,-, on
the approach of danger^ makes aïek^li^^§pi't>of noise/tp .give
the covey* feeding-zatt a. distances timed^Start-n My, guide >in-
fermedime that the. b,estttim.e tosshOpt,fhcm, is,when-theycome
ip drink;- and as,inthe.drÿ$feeàk>msuchLplace$ are y^rj few .in
d ' ;/ number,